"Friends Only" Status

Jan 01, 2020 00:49

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As a fanfic author, I fully intend to put my works out on display for both critical review and general enjoyment. Barring challenge/archive/ficathon policies, all of my work will be posted here when/if it goes live elsewhere. My personal life, on the other hand, is slated to remain just a bit less of an open book.

So, if you're here to read what I've written about various fictional characters, you should be able to do so with minimal effort. I tag all of my fiction with both fandom and pairing identifiers, and it's all publicly posted (or will be). If you're here because I seem like an interesting individual or we've struck up conversations in the comments of an entry or three and have things in common outside of simple fandoms, feel free to drop me a line, and I'll most likely add you to Team Raven.

I write Het (M/F). I write Slash (M/M and/or F/F). I write a fair bit of Gen (character/situation-centric without containing romance). I occasionally write fiction which is NC-17. I can and do dabble in Alternate Universes just as often as clinging rigidly to canon, although I'm compulsive about retaining internal consistency once a story is underway.

That being said, I thought I'd post a small reminder of one of the general truths of the 'net. The internet is a land of push-button publication and anonymity. Therefor, it comes with the following warning: Caveat lector (reader beware).

If you don't like what I write on a basic level, be it a pairing preference or an artistic approach or the content I incorporate as secondary emphasis, then make use of the "Back" button on your browser and remember that you don't like my particular corner of fandom. As a reader, you've no need to justify your tastes to me - they're your tastes. However, I'm not going to apologize if they're not the same as mine, and I have no intention of changing what I intend to write because it offends your sensibilities. If you don't like slash, don't read the M/M or F/F fiction I post. If you don't like het, don't read the M/F fiction I post. If you do, and knew it wasn't your cup of tea going into things, then you've only yourself to blame - I don't want to hear about it.

administrative nonsense

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