Dec 27, 2009 13:51

Hey there,

it's been so long since I've posted anything...

I feel so terrible and miserable. I mean, it's so sad, Christmas has already passed...and there goes my holidays as well. There's just one more week left of sleeping in late before going back to school. Eugh.  *sobs*

Lol, I'm such a pessimistic person.

Also, this year, I didn't ask for any Christmas presents, but now I'm thinking of buying myself a keyboard. It's such a neat thing to play (to's like a techno version of the piano), with all those different buttons you can push and all. SO FUN I TELL YOU.
Well, then that was completely useless of you to read.

Well, I hope everybody enjoyed their Christmas..the dinner...the parties..and of course the presents. ;)

Well, that's all for now.


Ma Belle Nuit

ma belle nuit, christmas

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