im so dead and hurt...i know a lot of people are probably happy that i
am but that isnt what i care about because i know everyone has lost
something they care about...whether its a friend, family, pet, object
anything i know everyone has...and i know you wish you could take
something back that you've done, especially when you fight and you say
things you shouldnt or you just loose it and dont care words come out
of your mouth spewing like fountains and your eyes ignite in flames you
see hell and you live it at that moment and nothing can stop you...your
mind is paralyzed and numb and you dont feel anything whether your hurt
or mad...
im hurt i feel like im dieing i want to break out of my body i want
everyone to just understand...
what do you do if you love something more then life you love something
so much and you would do anything to get it would fight the
devil himself and wrestle with would steal cupids arrows
and shoot him so he would know what a broken heart is like...its like
you've journied for years and years and gotten closer and closer to the can smell it taste can picture it in your head
you see get to the place where the treasure is put
your hands on it... a red heart shaped ruby perfectly shaped by the
earth feel the power the happieness in your
have unlocked the key to love the only thing that can make what you
lost better make you happy again...your thrilled...but no one can just
get love they cant just give it put it to your chest to
claim the victory and right there it turns to ash and blows away...your
hopes and your dreams are have lost the most valuable thing
to you...what you have worked for so hard and held on to so
grit your teeth and pulled through just to get to the top of the
mountain inside the temple in the heat and snow, sand and ice, you have
done it all to find this cure you had it and felt how great it was and
then your heart breaks and dissapears never to be would you
feel? that is how i feel...i have lost the most important thing, the
one thing that i have been looking for for years and now its
words express this feeling of pain and sorrow? no but you can only
imagine what it is...i wish i could show you but you cant show what
doesnt leave a mark, what doesnt have a place, a figure, a name, you
can only see it in your own mind and heart, because everyone else has a
different perspective...all you want is to get back what youve lost and
never let go...