Feb 12, 2008 19:48
Background for those not paying attention during the past year LOL My neighbor was pregnant at the same time I was last year, my first loss in March. She abused drugs the entire time, was a really neglectful mom, and I put up with a ton of crap during that time period. The baby is about 3 months old now, and supposedly she's sober. Whatever.
So since school started she has missed getting her daughter off of the bus 1,243,354 times. Really, she's never here on time. The bus driver hates her cause he always has to take her daughter back to the school. They even sent her home a letter stating that they could possibly call DCF on her because it's her responsibility to walk her to the stop and pick her up and that if it continued her daughter couldn't ride the bus anymore.
She has called me a million times asking me to get her, and I used to, but after so many times it started getting on my nerves. You have no responsibilities time wise aside from being here on time every day to get her, but you can never do it. I have stopped answering the phone if it's 1:30 or later and it's her cause I know what she wants. Just yesterday I was bitching to her husband cause she had called again, and he told me to tell her no next time. But I'm nice, you know? So she called again today and I said sure, I'd get her. She called at 3pm (bus gets here at 2:43, she said she was leaving her friends house at 1:30, 20 minutes away) with yet another story of how she ran out of gas. Said she was on the way. Didn't show up until 4pm. By that time I was furious, and so when her husband got home from work I told her I needed to have a word with her and that I wanted her husband present.
Basically I told her that I am taking care of myself for the first time in years and that one of the first things I was going to start doing was to say no when I didn't want to do something. I said that I would no longer be getting her DD off of the bus, that I thought it was a shame that she couldn't be home on time *constantly* and that she needed to get her shit straight. Her DH didn't even know about what had happened today, so he was ticked. She was screaming at me, telling me that I was accusing her of being a bad mom, and I told her no, I said she was a selfish one. I also brought up how one sided our friendship is, that I bend over backwards for her and she only calls me when she needs something.
At one point she started walking towards my house to get her kids that were playing inside. I called her out and said there was no way she was going to take this out on the kids, they were fine, and that she needed to finish the conversation with me and leave them alone. She was pissed but she left them be.
I told her that I cared about her (not really true honestly) and that I care about her husband and kids, and that I wasn't trying to start a war, the same things I said at the beginning of the "conversation" I told her I was sorry if she was angry, but I just couldn't do it anymore. I said I didn't hate her, that it just kills me to see her shirking her responsibilities and if she continued to do so I wouldn't clean up her mess anymore.
Did I mention the bus stop was originally 4 houses down, and she called the bus station so much complaining that she couldn't make it down there so they put it in front of her house. The very first day it was in front of her house, she wasn't home. She told the school her younger son had busted his head and was at the ER, a complete lie.
Anyway, I feel better. Her husband came over to get the kids for dinner and actually clapped his hands and said good for me, that someone needed to tell her the truth. He also said she was saying all kinds of crap like "Sarah said this" and "Sarah said that" and he had to keep telling her "No, she didn't, what she said was this..." That is the exact reason I waited to talk to her until after he was home.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.