A link to a "Human Nature" review

Jun 05, 2007 17:32

I'm still working on some things to post here, but it's been going slowly because of a bout of RSI-related tendonitis. In the meantime, I've just read a review of "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood" at a blog called Asking the Wrong Questions which gave me another clue as to why I'm still disappointed with David Tennant's Doctor. To quote the relevant bit:In the past, I've said that what's been missing from Tennant's performance as an incomprehensible alien is a core of humanity, along the lines of the prickly vulnerability Christopher Eccleston brought to the role, and that absent that humanity, the Doctor will never amount to more than a mass of mannerisms. "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood" is making me wonder whether my problem with Tennant's Doctor isn't a great deal simpler--maybe I just don't like him. What's human about Tennant's Doctor, I'm beginning to believe, is his immaturity and his selfishness, and while the show has in the past featured characters who have criticized or disliked the Doctor for these traits, they have mostly been villainous or unlikable themselves. "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood" is the first instance in which viewers are allowed, or even encouraged, to dislike the Doctor, and it's probably as a result of that shift in perspective that I'm seeing Tennant's Doctor as a fully-fledged character for the first time.
Yeah, me too. There's lots more, so go read the rest.

In non-fan-related things, here's an amazing tale of real estate disaster.

doctor who

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