First post;;

Sep 26, 2007 11:05

Okay well here it goes.

After having my journal for quite a while
I decided not only to read and post comments.
But to bore you all with tales of my life.
Yah huh

So here it goes.
A little about me.
I sail.
I am a health freak
I hate food
I love fashion
I love photography
I listen to every kind of music
Maybe you want to get to know me...
Maybe you don’t.
I live in Australia.
I hail from the USA (Kinda, long story)
I want to be a lawyer.

I won’t bore you with the past 14 years of my life, so starting from this weekish.

And that mean I only have 8 weeks of yr 9 to go.

i did surprisingly well this term,
i got an A+ on my science exam
wrote a 5,000 word essay for geo, which i had to cut down to 600-800 but only managed to get down to 2000
a A on my maths
a b+ on my IT
i suppose it just takes effort

well my mother FINALLY said yes to paramore after waiting for her decision for over a week (and the tickets have been bought for yonks) and I am extremely excited, she wasn’t going to let me go but I made her call up the arena and ask about security, there will be police there and the booze will be in a separate area. So she was happy about that. 5 days to go!

These holidays got off to a reasonably bad start.
Arguing with the parents about the concert, my crew being in NZL, staying up all night at my friend’s house watching high school musical 2 (I couldn’t even watch the first one for more than 3 minutes) and getting sick.
I hate sinus infections.
I have youth states on the weekend and its rather depressing because one of my best friends, who is like a brother to me is on a ski trip and I haven't seen him since last Saturday! And he won’t be back till sat night and won’t be doing youth states, but he shall be at the club on Sunday.

and to top it all off.
I need to go shopping.
Nothing fits, it’s all too big.

Time for another day of sitting on my arse doing nothing besides watching MTV and comedy channel and sitting on the computer. Today is a bit im waiting for my new phone to be delivered!
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