May 06, 2012 23:12
I've mentioned my improbably poor luck before, right? Because today was an unusually fine example, internet.
1) Arrived at the movies early (to see the Avengers, which was of course great) and decided to get a soda. Managed to pick the worst possible line *twice,* leading to a total waiting time of 35 minutes, or just about the a minute or so before the movie actually started. This meant there were very few seats left, so I...
2) Happened to sit next to the biggest damn creep in the theater. Oh man. Not only did he smell so terrible that every time he raised his arm to scratch his head (which he did about every ten minutes) I had to turn away, he was also a pig. Actual thing that happened:
Smelly creep, after a shot of Black Widow's backside: "Niiiice."
Me, full of disgust: "OH MY GOD."
He didn't respond, but he also didn't do it again, so. Draw?
3) And, just to rub it in at the end of the day, I was leaning into the washing machine this evening to load the dryer, and the door to the thing didn't catch quite right and it landed straight on my nose. Who does that even happen to? Ever? I mean, what? Thanks a lot, universe, really.