Гимн России

Feb 24, 2011 15:01

Потрясающая история! Один афроамериканец увидел картинку со взрывами в Домодедово, посочувствовал трагедии России, зашел на наш сайт и проникся Россией так, что решил выучить наш гимн. Выучил и спел! О чем и написал нам письмо - оригинал под катом. Очень трогательно. Пишет, что через 5 секунд прослушивания он «понял, что это самая мощная песня, которую он когда-либо слышал на Земле». Говорит, что теперь он готов служить посланником России и петь этот гимн на каких-нибудь мероприятиях, например, Дне Победы. А было бы, кстати, неплохо :)

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А вот оригинал его письма:

Russia Today,

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is M. Mercy Santos. I was outraged and disgusted by the cowardly terrorist act the citizens of Russia and the World had to endure on January 24, 2011 at Moscow 's Domodedovo Airport . In order to get more detailed information on the bombing I went to the Embassy of the Russian Federation website, saw Russia Today, click the mouse and the news I was seeking echoed through my speakers. I was deeply affected by this tragic event and even though I felt sorrow in my soul there was an uplifting spiritual motivation erupting from within to feel connected with the victims, their families and citizens of the Russian Federation .

I was inspired to further investigate websites about Russia and its historic society, language, culture and music. While on the internet I came across The National Anthem of the Russian Federation sang by the Moscow Kremlin Choir. After 5 seconds I knew it was the most magnificent song I'd ever hear on Earth, boasting power, beauty and a timeless melody and I now knew that I had to learn it.

With my new found inspiration I learned the Anthem to the best of my ability in Russian in 3 days and Recorded it on January 27, 2011 listed below.

Over the past 20 years outside influences have entered your great country for better or worse. I am a citizen of the United States of America and an international messenger informing you of the positive imprint the Russian Federation has left on my me. Concluding with if at any point in time you think I can be of service as an instrument of the Russian Federation to positively promote your international influence to Russian citizens, compatriots abroad and the international community please feel free to let me know. I would be proud to sing The National Anthem of the Russian Federation on any of your celebrated Holidays (Victory Day Celebration) or at any event to promote global awareness.

Born in the USA , originally from New Jersey , I am of mixed African American descent and now reside in Los Angeles , California . I've worked in the film industry for over 10 years, providing prints and advertising funding for several Warner Bros. films, funding for MGM, as well as several independent motion pictures.

M. Mercy Santos

США, патриотизм, Гимн России, теракты, russia today

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