The Naig of Years

Dec 01, 2013 11:46

The guid auld naig still gallops on
Her bleezin' tail became a comet
Anither year maun be brought
An' ilka luck is claught upon it!

The phoenix's tale gars me greet:
Ane feather which thee gat frae it
Is tauld to gie thee ilka fame;
If you fand ane, be na fu' fain -
A shootin' star is tint ere een can find it.
Toil but hae fun an' be na blinded.

I wish thee now sic hale fairin':
Hae monie pleasures an' ay be merry;
An unco lang lang life an' mair
Deliver'd by the guid auld meare!

[can be found here]


poetry, published

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