Jul 18, 2006 14:05

Who: Everyone
What: Continuing from the dance
When: Where the dance left off
Where: The school
Other: This affects EVERYONE! It does not matter if you're in your dorm, haven't arrived at the dance, or at the dance. It affects you all. So make sure to post. This is a post where EVERYONE should participate. It will be open for a week or until I deem it over.

As always no god modding. You can decide what ones to attack but in general EVERYONE is being attacked. You may run, but I may send some after you still. But elsewise you control the monsters you're attacked by.

The monsters that will be attacking are as follows:
Lots of Dusks (everywhere)
Lots of Shadow Heartless (everywhere)
Three T-Rexaurs (all surrounding the outside of the school with one on the outside of the inner part)
2 Behemoth (one inside the ball room the other outside)
13 Tonberries (three in the ball room, three in the library, one in the mess hall, two in each of the common rooms (Shiva, Bahamut, Ramuh)
8 Cactuar (four in the ball room, 2 in Bahamut, 1 in Shiva, 1 in Ramuh)
20 Chimeras-FMA mixtures (6 in the ball room, 4 in the teachers' quaters, 3 in Bahamut, 4 in Shiva, 3 in Ramuh)
Lots of Evil Plants (everywhere)
9 Shades (3 in Bahamut, 3 in Shiva, 3 in Ramuh)
5 Werewolves (2 in the ball room, 3 in the mess hall)
Lots of Blade Bunnies (everywhere)
Lots of NeoShadows (everywhere, but mostly ball and dorms)
Lots of Solider heartless (everywhere)
7 Big Bandit heartless (around the outside and two in the ball room)
30 Rapid Dog Heartless (ten by stairs, ten on the dorm floor, five by the pool, five in the drama department)
15 Wyvern Heartless (5 in ball room, 5 outside inner building, 5 outside outer building)
50 hook bats (15 in each dorm, 5 in ball room)
8 Beserker Nobodies (3 in the ball room, one in each dorm, 2 in the drama department)
31 Malboros (ten in each dorm with a hidden extra one in the ball room) ... yes you may have your character raped by one of these if you reallllly wish too. *shudders*

And that is the list. You all have free rain over the building. SO GET RID OF THEM! Teachers should try to focus on in the ball room and the outside, some students should follow this and go after them elsewhere. Please keep in mind how many you fight, but I'm leniant.


So go fight you brats!!
It was sudden. Too sudden. One moment it was a perfect dance with everyone enjoying themselves. Some had stayed in their dorms to sleep on the last day of Autumn, but everyone seemed to be at the ball. But within seconds the pleasureful night was ruined as with a large crash everything came apart.

They came through the windows, from the doors. Some could see that there were more outside. But it didn't change as they came through from portal and outside. Some weren't quick enough and were dead in seconds, but most managed to back away. Those with the ability to summon their weapons quickly did while others hurriedly used magic to block off their attacks.

How did this all happen? Of course, in the large chaos no one saw a single professor curse and back away into the shadows to head to where the headmasters stood. Then again, some didn't even see the monsters come from the shadows.

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