Title: Game Night
Rating: PG13
Type: Genderswitch, Yuri, Humor, Crack, Romance, very AU
Pairings: Fem!Roy/Fem!Ed
Warnings: None
Summary: Roy is working for the government and is hanging out with a new hire. Ed starts visiting Roy to play games after work and un/interesting things happen.
The hero approached the computer screen which dimly lit the dark room he was in, and took a moment send an email recording his progress. A brief glance at his left showed the mysterious artifact that was supposed to help him finish his mission. Hmph. Little good it had done him so far. It only seemed to make strange things happen around him, and he had lost more than one opportunity to interrogate a witness because of it. A moment passed and then the hero stood and smoothed back his blue hair, ready to act again. He moved to the hallway and up to the final area, where he knew the boss was waiting. Bursting into the top-floor restaurant, the hero caught the boss in the act of taking a bag of stolen goods from his accomplice.
The hero snapped the photo and then shouted, "Ha! Your game is up, now! With this evidence I can finally put you behind bars, you crook! This city will finally get the truth and justice will..."
The hero's monologue was suddenly interrupted by a loud gunshot. The hero dropped to the ground, holding his side, trying to stop the blood.
Roy mashed the button spasmodically as the blue-haired figure on the screen struggled to get up. "Come on... come on... oooh I hate these real-time event sequences!"
Amused, Ed looked over at the older woman and not for the first time admired her body and her good looks. With a few precise movements, Ed called up the mysterious artifact and activated it. In an instant, the button-mashing event was cleared and the way to the exit was open.
Roy laughed at Ed's smug look, and shaking her head, she moved the hero out of the room, and sat back to watch the ending of the video game they were playing together.
"That was a pretty good game," Ed said as she set her controller down and stretched. Her arms stretched into the air as she sat up straight and arched her back.
"It was okay." Roy stood up and stretched up much taller than Ed, her back almost popping as she reached up, then twisted side to side.
"Just 'okay', huh?" Ed smirked.
Roy avoided the bait and turned to walk to the kitchen. She had met Ed when she was screening candidates for a new position in her department, and had immediately liked her. Ed was smart, fun, and good with computers- something they needed more of around the office since more and more of their systems were being converted to computerized processes. Not that Roy couldn't handle a computer herself, but she was busy with management and handling the bureaucrats and directors that threatened to disrupt their operations worse than any computer malfunction ever could.
In any case, Ed was also more qualified than the other applicants and so she was hired right away. Things were going well for the department and Roy knew her chance to make a difference in the government was within her grasp.
Roy and Ed began hanging out after work one day when Ed's car broke down and Roy offered to give a ride. Ed said she would have been fine with the bus, but Roy insisted. They had talked for a while about family and guys, but the conversation didn't seem to get anywhere. Then they discovered they both really liked the same video game series and were looking forward to the new episode that was coming out. Soon Ed was visiting Roy's place almost every week. She would show up at the door with some new video game and they would play for hours. Roy was beginning to wonder if maybe Ed's obsession with these types of games was the reason she never dated any guys. It sure wasn't due to lack of opportunities- they had both been asked out, sometimes even by women. Roy would often let them spend some money on her and she loved to flirt like crazy. But deep down, Roy suspected that Ed just wasn't that interested in serious dating, much like herself.
Roy grabbed herself a drink and closed the fridge door, bringing herself back to the moment. "So what next? Hmmm... I think we should play a game with a bit more substance."
Ed followed to the kitchen and to the adjacent dining room area. She hid her grimace as best she could when she saw that the Go box was already placed on the dining room table. That Roy... she was always thinking ahead.
Giving in, Ed sat down and set up the table-top game. She slouched back and let her head roll lazily back over the top of the chair back behind her. She found herself staring at the ceiling, and she tried to form the faces of her favorite characters among the random patterns in the paint.
Roy came and smiled at the scene- ah yes, she had trained her well. She took a seat and gave Ed a grin as they started the game.
Ed let out an exasperated sigh and stood up.
"Done already?" Roy quipped.
Ed wanted to say something to wipe that smug look off of her face but right then the doorbell rang.
Roy raised an eyebrow at Ed and then went over and unlocked the door.
It promptly burst open and a rather tall figure stomped into the room. It was a very large, and very tall suit of armor. It was also seemed to be fashioned after a rather beefy female. Roy stared at it until suddenly the faceplate lifted and she could see a surprisingly young and girly face inside.
"Sister! There you are! I have been looking all over for you!" the face spoke.
"...Al?" Ed choked out. "What are you doing in Central?"
"I'm actually just here for a moment but I had to stop by and see you and give you this!" The armor creaked and a large arm swung around to the back and produced an envelope. "I'm getting married!"
"WHAT?!" Ed nearly fell out of her chair.
"Oh yes, his name's Winry and he's a mechanic and you know how I love metalworking and he has this incredible shop and his grandfather is really nice and we've been dating for a long time and so we really think it's about time to tie the knot, you know? I'm so happy! But anyway I know you never answer my letters and so I wasn't sure you were getting them at all so I had to stop by in person because this is a really important envelope and oh my is that the time?! I better get going- be sure you come I want to have my whole family there! I love you sister!" she seemed to say all in one breath. Then with lightning quick speed, before either of them could react, Al had lifted Ed off the floor, and put her in a bear hug! "Okay I have to go but you will be there, right, sister?" she squeezed a little harder, making Ed gasp for air. "Okay good then I have your promise, see you later big sister!"
Roy wasn't sure how to react first. The indignance at having been completely ignored fought with curiosity and downright laughter at seeing Ed crumple to the floor after the attack by the armor lady. Big sister? Ed seemed to be staring blankly at nothing, her knees together on the floor to her side. Roy decided to have sympathy and walked to her after making sure the door was locked.
Roy dropped to her knees in front of Ed and sat back on her feet, with her knees out to the side. Ed seemed to slowly recover and then looked at Roy, wanting to apologize. "I'm sorry... I had no idea she..."
Roy shook her head. "It's alright, Ed. Though I have to say I'm pretty shocked."
Ed nodded, "she usually isn't that bad..." Ed mumbled a little and looked to the side. Still feeling woozy, she suddenly decided she wanted to get a drink herself and she went to get up, only to find that her feet weren't as stable as she thought they were. She fell forward, mashing her boobs against Roy's, and they both went down in a heap. Ed groaned and looked into Roy's eyes, then blushed when she realized what had happened, afraid to move and yet unable to look away.
Roy looked back and tried to think of something to say. "Whoa, she really knocked the wind out of you, huh?" Roy smirked and helped Ed up and back into her seat. "Take it easy. I'll get you a drink- maybe it will help." Roy winked.
Ed felt herself relaxing after staring at her drink for a while. "Thank you for the drink, Roy," Ed said, "and sorry about... laying on you..."
"Oh don't worry about it. And don't worry about the boobs either," Roy commented.
Ed blinked, "what?"
"Aren't yours sore from that too?" Roy questioned.
Ed thought about it. They didn't feel much different, but her knees were pretty banged up. Ed wondered how Roy's rear felt.
Her mind slurred over that last thought and then replayed it backwards and forwards, and she groaned at the double meaning.
"You okay?" Roy asked, for once innocently.
Ed looked at her drink. "Actually, I don't think I'm in a condition to drive home. Do you think I can crash here tonight?"
Roy's mind reeled at the question. Ed wanted to sleep here? "Calm down girl," she thought to herself. Out loud, she said, "sure, you can sleep in my bed."
Roy saw Ed's wide-eyed stare and then corrected quickly, "and I'll sleep on the couch." It was a very Eastern custom, to give your guest your bed, but Roy hadn't shaken all of her traditions yet.
Ed continued to stare and then chuckled for some reason. "Alright, time to go sleep on the boss's bed, heheh." Then she got up and tossed her black jacket off and went towards the bedroom.
Roy yelled after her, "wait for me to clean it out first!" But Ed had already barged into the room and by the time Roy followed her in there, Ed was holding one of Roy's dirty magazines.
Roy held her breath. After a moment, Ed gave Roy a funny look, and then seemed to shrug and turn towards the bed, flopping onto it and nearly passing out on the spot.
Roy stood stunned for a moment, then cleaned up a little around the room until she got to the bed. She watched Ed sleeping peacefully for a moment, a small smile forming on her lips, and then tucked her in and said, "good night, sleeping beauty."
Ed had a strange dream that night. She was running from some mechanic with a wrench and kept finding herself getting hedged in on every side. Finally she was trapped by metal walls and felt like she had nowhere to go. She sat down and held her arms up to shield herself as the giant wrench came down, but then a mysterious artifact glowed in her pocket and she found herself able to deflect the blow. Amazed, she stood up to find Roy facing her, smiling and saying "you can stay in my bed." The glow of the artifact was still surrounding her and she noticed that she was getting bigger, and so was Roy. Roy just stood there smiling and... getting bigger. Soon they were getting too big to fit in the bedroom and Ed tried to avoid crushing the furniture, but she couldn't stop growing. Soon only the bed was left and with a bump from the growing Roy, she felt herself tumble over towards it- she was going to fall on it- and then...
Ed woke with a start, finding herself covered in a blanket and laying on... Roy's bed...? She was having a hard time remembering the night before.
She wandered out of the bedroom and found Roy sleeping on the couch. She looked so peaceful and her graceful features and body teased her from under their covers. Ed noticed Roy's jacket off to the side, laying on the arm of the couch near Roy's head, and she stumbled over to it and sat on the floor. She laid her head on the couch, watching Roy sleep, and closed her eyes for a moment.
Roy heard her alarm go off and for a moment she didn't register that it wasn't right near her like it should be. It was Sunday but she still sometimes set her alarm so she could get everything done that she wanted. She groaned to see why the alarm wasn't going off and she realized she wasn't in her bed. Blinking, she rolled off of the couch and frowned at her jacket a moment. Was there a scent of someone in the air? Then she went into the bedroom and finally silenced the buzzing alarm. It was only then that she remembered last night. Her eyes immediately went to the bed, but there was no Ed. She searched the apartment and still found no Ed. She must have gone home. Ed was usually a late sleeper- she wondered what had gotten her out of bed so early...
Roy's Sunday went by without any unusual events. She spent time at a local church, cleaning and greeting the patrons. She ran the length of the park walkway and back. She studied the newest alchemy journals. She also found some time to replay part of a game she liked. She wondered what Ed was doing.
Several days passed, and Roy saw Ed once or twice in passing while at work. Ed didn't seem to be acting any different so far...
"So, busy tonight?" Ed suddenly asked when they both had a free moment.
"N..no, not really," Roy said.
"Good, I'll bring over a new game. You'll love this one." Ed smiled and turned on her heel, heading back to the department cubicles to answer a call for help. Answering the question quickly, she saw that Roy was still watching her, and so she gave her a grin and a victory sign before heading back to her desk.
Roy seemed to think for a moment, and then said to herself, "she sure is cute when she poses like that."
That night, Roy found herself posing in front of the mirror, acting out some of the pinup poses with her hands in her lap and behind her head, and turning around to slap her rear which she thought looked particularly shapely lately due to her running. She blew a kiss at the mirror and then laughed at herself. Then she heard someone at the door.
Checking to make sure it was Ed, she unlocked the door and smiled at how Ed held the game stacked under her breasts as usual as she walked in and undid her boots.
They got right to business, setting up the video game and talking during the loading screens about their favorite moments. Roy shook her head a little as she got the strange notion in her head that she really liked having Ed around and that she was glad Ed hadn't been driven away after that crazy night.
"YES!!!" Ed raised her hands in victory as the boss crumpled to the ground in defeat. "Oh yeah, who's tha master? Me! That's right, me!"
Roy laughed as Ed celebrated beating the game and grinned at her crazy dance. After Ed had calmed down, Roy asked, "are you hungry?"
Ed salivated a little at the thought of food and nodded.
"Well, I have the ingredients for a traditional Eastern dish, if you're feeling adventurous. Or if you want we can have what I was planning on having tomorrow instead."
"Hmm, what is the second option?" Ed inquired, thinking of the time Roy had given her miso soup. She didn't really like it...
"Fajitas," Roy stated, her black hair and eyes shining in kind.
Ed considered for a moment and finally decided on...
~~~For traditional Eastern, go to "---Eastern meal here---" below. For fajitas, continue reading here.~~~
---Fajita meal here---
Ed felt like something spicy and so she said, fajitas actually sound really good."
Roy nodded and turned to go into the kitchen. Ed couldn't see it but Roy had a mischievous smile on her face that made her smooth cheeks protrude upward in an amusing fashion. Roy threw the wok on the stove and started preparing ingredients, and soon the delicious smells were filling the apartment. Ed wandered into the room like a zombie that sensed brains.
Roy had to shoo her from the room, and Ed kept herself busy with oogling Roy in an apron. Her friend sure could fill out an outfit nicely.
Roy noticed her look and paused to stare back. When Ed noticed, Roy asked, "what are you looking at?"
Ed, caught off guard and not wanting to embarrass Roy, replied, "the maker of the holy food of spicy goodness."
Roy laughed and tossed the frying fajita fillings a couple times. "What do you like on your fajita, Ed?"
Ed thought for a moment. "Hmm, well, peppers, onions, and sometimes guacamole, but that's about it. I know this one guy who likes ketchup."
Roy wrinkled her nose. "Eww..."
Ed nodded, "yeah that's what I thought."
Roy grabbed some sour cream and cheese for herself, not averse to dairy like Ed was, the poor shrimp.
Ed made a face at the cream and slid her plate a bit further away.
Roy laughed, "it's not going to jump out and eat you, Ed." "But I might," Roy added mentally with a look at Ed's cleavage and waist.
Ed shrugged, "better safe than sorry."
The pair proceeded to dig in to their meal, enjoying the savory juices and delicious taste of the freshly made fajitas.
Roy was halfway through hers when she noticed Ed licking her fingers. "Now," Roy thought.
Roy slipped one finger into her mouth and slowly slid it out with an audible pop. She caught Ed looking at the source of the odd sound and then proceeded to give her a little show, all innocently and unwittingly, of course. Roy's lips sucked on the sides of her finger inch by inch, and then her tongue darted in and out, brushing against the smooth skin of her fingers and hands. She let her body get into it, moving her hips and shoulders whenever she could make it fit in with the 'natural' show. She let a small moan of pleasure escape her lips as she took two fingers at once and slid her tongue in between them, spreading them a little apart. Then she pulled them out and licked them some more as she positioned them in a scissor-kick fashion. She felt Ed's eyes on her the entire time and when she was done, she locked her eyes on Ed's and slowly went back to her fajita and took another bite.
Ed couldn't help but watch the entire time and when Roy was done, Ed felt her cheeks flush when their eyes met. Ed found herself wishing she could be that sexy, and wondered for a moment if Roy was going to say something. Roy took another bite, and so Ed did too. Ed got to the end, the messiest part of a fajita, and got some more sauce on her fingers. Suddenly, Roy was at her side, licking her fingers!
Ed was taken aback. Was this really what she wanted? Was Roy interested... in her?? She stared but did not move, which encouraged Roy to keep going, even going so far as to feed Ed the last piece of the special dinner. Ed ate it gracefully, feeling Roy's gaze and Roy's finger caress her cheek.
"Come on," Roy said, "I want to show you something."
Ed started to say something, but Roy put a finger on her lips, looking so sexy, that Ed could only blush.
Ed followed Roy into the living room, and then she smartly snapped her fingers, and instantly the room came to life with dozens of little fires in a simple little message:
"You spice up my life. Be mine, Ed."
Roy waited, heart pounding.
Ed stared, taking it all in and trying to comprehend what was happening to her. In the end, she could only whisper and blush, "o...okay."
Roy leaned in and caressed her cheek, and held her cheek-to-cheek for a moment, looking at the flames, before turning to look her in the eyes and lean in while their hands intertwined.
The end.
---Eastern meal here---
"Well, why not, let's try this traditional meal of yours, Roy."
"Coming right up," Roy said as she went to the kitchen.
Ed watched with interest and even got to help a little with Roy's direction. Soon the rice and vegetable and shrimp tempura were done and steaming on the big center platter in front of them. The two friends grinned at each other and dug in.
"Mmm, this is really really good," Ed said around a mouthful of tempura.
"Why thank you- remember you helped too," Roy replied.
"I didn't really do anything," Ed said humbly, "this is amazing."
Roy grinned, "glad you like it!"
Ed noticed Roy was using chopsticks and watched with interest as she nimbly plucked up veggie and shrimp one after the other, sometimes holding a piece for several minutes while munching.
Roy noticed her watching and asked, "what?"
Ed shook her head, "nothing- say, do you have another pair of chopsticks?"
"Oh, yeah let me get you some. I didn't know you could use them."
Ed gave a short laugh, "well, I don't really, but I want to try."
"Aaah," Roy said, and momentarily returned with a pair of chopsticks. She dropped them in front of Ed and stood there while Ed attempted to grasp them in her hand. They wouldn't seem to come together right.
"Here," Roy said as she reached out and grabbed Ed's hands. She deftly positioned the chopsticks in the right places and moved Ed's fingers, "like this."
"Aaah," Ed said, smiling. Ed went for a piece, almost slipped, but quickly got it to her mouth just in time before everything fell apart. They both laughed for a few minutes. Ed tried again with the rice.
"It's sticky so it is easier to get, but sometimes you still have to scrape it from the dish into your mouth if you're the type who has to eat every last bit," Roy instructed.
Ed nodded and found she really enjoyed grabbing sticky rice with chopsticks and chowing down on the soft, chewy grains.
After the meal, the pair sat in the living room on the couch, chatting about this and that. Eventually, they got around to the events of the previous visit.
"I was just wondering what you remember from last visit," Roy said as she watched Ed's face for her reaction. Ed gave her no hint of any secrets.
"Last visit? Oh yeah... I'm sorry if I woke you-"
"Hmmm... nothing about the magazine or the bed?" Roy thought. "No that would have been fine, I'm just worried you thought I was being weird having you sleep on my bed."
Ed shook her head, "No, I found out about the custom and I really appreciated the place to sleep. I just didn't want to overstay my welcome..."
Roy smiled, "not at all, I didn't really end up doing anything the next day anyway."
"Ah, well, that's good," Ed said.
Both of them looked at the opposite walls for a few minutes, and then back at each other.
"Well, let's keep having these fun game nights, alright?" Roy said. Ed nodded, grinning, "most definitely!"
The end.