Bieber Hater

May 05, 2011 15:14

Dear Justin Bieber Fans,

I don't care about young, teeny bopper girls and boys going crazy about Justin Bieber, whose voice sounds like he got kicked in the balls.
That's if he has any.
I don't care that his hair is prettier than mine, and that he looks like a lesbian.
I don't care that you hate me for hating him.

Fact: You can't like everyone.

I know he's human. I know that he has feelings.

It DOES NOT mean I have to like him, nor does it mean that I will stop teasing him.
I'm pretty sure he's used to it by now.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I'm not jealous of his wealth, or his popularity, or his talent.
Whatever. Just looking at him makes me cringe.

Justin Bieber doesn't even know that I exist, so I will continue to dislike him.
And even if he does know me, I will tease him 24/7 until he goes off at me like the staff at Sunrise.
Like I care, go ahead.

To many, he is their prince of pop. To me, he is just a princess.
And not a very pretty one at that.

So even if all these people go crazy for him; I never will.

In fact, I'm pretty sure somebody out there hates me too. It's the circle of life.
You can't possibly like everybody.

I hate Bieber = Bieber hates someone = Someone hates me
Such is life.

Yours sincerely,
Bieber Hater (M.)

bieber hater

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