Feb 03, 2004 15:32
Yeah...today totally blows. I have a shitload of missing homework, I am probably failing all of my classes. And my teacher thinks I am doing drugs, just because I have been hella flaky lately. I've been sleep deprived, though not as much as Gavin...But she is like "Marshall, what's with you lately are you feeling alright? You haven't been getting into anything lately have you?" and I am like "What the hell are you talking about? I'm just tired." and she's like "hmmm...okay get more sleep then because I can't have you falling asleep in my class. Your grades have been falling too." Now the reason this sucks is there is a chance that she might call and say something to my parents. Then they would give me a drug test and I am terrified that the test will come out positive for obvious reasons. Also, I probably got a D in C++ and I got a D on my spanish final...Earlier today I was seriously contimplating suicide. Which sucked because I just almost broke down in the middle of the hallway. God damnit I hate school...Why don't I just drop out...If shit like this keeps happening I don't see any reason why I should stay. I don't want to go to college either, I couldn't handle it. But I am just a pussy...and I know my life is fine, and everyone elses is probably a shitload worse. They have better reasons to be this way and they aren't blah. I hate myself so much.