I wish I could start my adventure into the world of live journal with a positive post. Something about puppies and kittens or the beauty of Alan Rickman's voice. Unfortunately, the thing that drives me to write today is the poorly written book known as The Host, by none other than Stephenie "Sparkling Vampires" Meyer.
Now, I went into this book with lukewarm expectations. Many people have said that The Host is actually better written than The Twilight "Saga", which isn't really saying much if you really look at it.
However, I held in my bias and decided to give it a try, besides after Sparkling Vampires how much worse can it possibly get? Good Lord I was so wrong, so, so wrong.
So The Host is a Sci-fi/Romance novel for people who don't like sci-fi according to the writer and it shows from the second paragraph of the damn Prologue. The aliens (which are called souls) are described as such: “Because he was a soul, by nature he was all things good: compassionate, patient, honest, virtuous, and full of love.”
[Yawn]. So these souls are silver centipede-like creatures that are put into the bodies of humans since the souls need a host to live. Now you may be wondering, why are these aliens on Earth and taking over human bodies? The answer. To make it a better place.
I'm not joking.
These aliens are not here because they are lacking resources on another planet or because they are just that bad ass or because they want our women. It's because they saw how humans were abusing their beautiful planet because we are so mean and violent so they came over here, took our bodies and made the world a better place. Not to mention they [the aliens] have no flaws.
Are you bored yet? Don't worry it gets worse.
We are then introduced to our protagonist: Wanderer (Wanda). Named such because she has been on multiple planets in several hosts, such as the Bear Planet, Planet of Flowers, some Dolphin planet and something with Spiders that have three brains. I don't remember them because they are stupid. The lack of effort she put into the creativity of this world is so childish I really wanted to throw my nook several times. She doesn't even do the cheap thing and make the creatures or planet names the actual word but backwards. No she just calls the creatures whatever the closest human term for it is. I mean what kind of alien is a See-Weed?
Anyway, our protagonist "Wanderer" has just been put into the body of a member of the human rebellion force called Melanie (Mel) Stryder. Hmmm...that sounds an awful lot like Stephenie Meyer. Must be a small coincidence, like Bella Swan's appearance. Wanderer is troubled because the mean human girl won't let Wanderer enjoy her new body in piece and keeps popping into Wanderer. When she goes to her alien shrink (I shit you not) she says that the only time Melanie isn't quiet is when Wanderer is teaching at an alien university (again I shit you not). Due to Melanie's influence Wanda escapes her Seeker (our antagonist). You might be wondering what the fudge a Seeker is. Its not important. You might think it is, since you know one of them is our antagonist, but I can assure you. It's not important.
Wanda then tries to find the place where Mel's Aunt and Uncle (Jed) are staying along with the other human refugees. Those including our two love interests, our "mortality pet" and the only man with common sense in the story (aka our second antagonist)
I could get into a chapter by chapter review of this story, but that would just bore you as much as the book bored me so I'm just gonna try and break this down as simply as possible.
The problem with The Host isn't simply that it is poorly written, but that every single character in the book is idiotic yet we are supposed to like them. We are constantly being told how good Wanda is, how strong Mel is, how wise Jeb is, etc. Yet none of the characters ever show those qualities or better yet any common sense. We are dealing with a world in which almost all of humanity has been taking over by aliens and they not only allow Wanda to live, but try and make everyone in the human refugee compound like her. Those that don't are the bad guys and those that are are of course a tribute to their race. Towards the end, even Melanie loves Wanda. Melanie's brother and boyfriend all love Wanda.
Because she is good.
It's no wonder the humans have all been taken over, they lack any common sense! The only one who did was Kyle, who was demonized for acting the way anyone with half a brain cell would act during an alien invasion, until the end when everyone decides that the aliens are good people doing bad things. (Groan).
The problem with this is that Meyer just can not write this scenario well. The aliens are seen as these pure creatures who don't see what they are doing as wrong, yet they are supposed to be good, despite that they are living in pure ignorance to the suffering of an entire race. Then the humans are good only because they are the victims, not by their own merit because they are violent, brutish and lairs.
Wanda, who is supposedly abandoning her race for her love of humans, thinks of humans as brutish and even calls them monsters at one point. Yet all the humans still love her (except for two who are demonized) and change the way they act because of her.
How does she win over the humans? By telling them stories about the creatures she's been on all the ridiculously named planets she's been on. Later on she wins over all the other stranglers by bringing them medicine. Which she only does because Mel's little brother Jamie stabbed himself in the knee with a knife and got an infection (which was the Doc's fault since he knew they didn't have any medicine and the safest thing to do after it was getting worse was to amputate). This might have meant more to me if it wasn't for the fact that the names of the alien medicines were as followed:
No Pain
Also, one of them is literally just glitter.
Whoever said that Stephenie Meyer was creative must be feeling pretty silly right about now.
But lemme get right to the romances, which, really are the plot of this story and the only thing complex for some reason.
Ian, who is one of the blandest love interests I've ever read, just keeps going on about how sweet and pure Wanda is constantly. I mean constantly. The process of Wanda/Ian falling in love is just so disgusting. Not only because he continues to ignore the fact that it is not Wanda's body he's kissing and that Mel has a right to it, but he seems willing to kill his own brother to protect the very thing he's been fighting against. Why? Because she is good. He would rather have Mel go away and lose all rights to her body than allow Wanda to leave and stop being a parasite (her words not mine). He is a selfish prick who has no right to say that or call Jared selfish for wanting the woman (teenager) he fell in "love" with to be returned to her body. But that's towards the ending and I'll get to that after this romance crap.
However, Ian/Wanda isn't nearly as backwards as Jared/Mel. Well, maybe it is. This couple has abuse written all over it. In fact, flashback shows that when they first met Jared was trying to kill her because he thought she was an alien. When he discovered she wasn't he was so happy he kissed her...then she kicked him (Recycled scene anyone). Then they later decide to be the new Adam/Eve and go look for Melanie's brother, Jamie, together. They stay in this house and after two weeks Mel is ready to give herself to him completely because who wants to be a virgin during the end of the world. When Mel decided to go in search of her cousin Sharon (which is how she gets captured by the aliens in the first place) she thinks that being without Jared would be like dying. By the way, she's seventeen and he's twenty-six.
The romance doesn't end there because there is also: Wanda/Jared/Mel. Because of Mel's memories Wanda starts to fall in love with Jared. Jared of course hates Wanda (rightfully so) and promptly beats the crap out of her. This of course doesn't stop Wanda or Mel from loving him because they know that "he has a right to be angry." Ugh. There are so many things wrong with this that I can not go into. Jared doesn't start to like or defend Wanda until he realizes that Mel is still inside Wanda. He realizes this by kissing Wanda, therefore making Mel jealous, therefore allowing Mel to control her body long enough to punch Jared ala first meeting.
Yes, the romance is boring and trite, just like everything else in this damn book. There is no climax. Even when they find the Seeker, who does nothing, Wanda, in her immense goodness, finds a way to not only humanize the Seeker, but to rescue her.
I'm trying my best to tell you what this book is about, but honestly it is about nothing. I'm going through my notes on the book and I have found nothing really worth writing about. The story is that bland and uninteresting. The characters are so badly written because Meyer is trying to force us to like her leads by making them perfectly flawless. Even Wanda, who starts off as a terrible liar, is a good enough liar to steal from an alien hospital. However, what really irritates me about this book is the ending.
I was already irritated because the way the story was being set up was that we (the human readers) are supposed to be rooting for the body-snatching, world cleansing aliens because they are "good" and we are supposed to be seeing the human resistance as bad because humanity (as presented in this book) is incapable of respecting and taking good care of our beautiful planet. Then we are supposed to see that is wrong through Wanda's eyes.
The problem is she doesn't believe that the aliens are wrong. She only feels bad for her adoptive family. Not to mention she doesn't care about any of her other host bodies because according to her "none of them are as emotionally complex as humans." That is awful.
Sure I don't care about the Dolphins and Spiders and certainly not the See-Weeds, but the way she can dismiss them their emotions and claim that they have no problem with having their bodies taken over is so pompous and arrogant I was to stop on Wanda's head.
It gets worse. When Wanda decides that she wants to be a Love Martyr and wants to die on Earth, nearly everyone INCLUDING MEL wants her to stay. Ian of course is the most asinine of them all and says that they need Wanda more than Mel. AND MEL AGREES!
However, let me get to the absolute the worst part that ruins every single character in this book. SO our Love Martyr decides to die and before she is going to be cut open the Doc says "You are the noblest, purest creature I've ever met. The universe will be a darker place without you." [Page 555] GAG ME. But thats just the wind up, here's the pitch. Mel, Jared and Jamie take a soul girl and remove her soul to give Wanda a new body. ENTIRE POINT OF WANDA'S "SACRIFICE" WASTED!
This is absolute worst book I've read since Evermore. It is so bad I did not care for any of the two character deaths that took place. The book is poison to the Sci-Fi genre. I don't care if it is for people who "don't like Sci-Fi", as a writer she should have a little damn respect for the genre that she is writing in. I am done with this book and to anyone who liked this book, please tell me why.
If anyone is looking for a story that has sympathetic aliens and a complex human character look no further:
Final Grade: F
I may not like Stephenie Meyer's other work, but I was trying to give her a chance in this book. After all writers get better the more they write don't they? Well this proved me wrong. People said the writing in this is better than Twilight, well I was too bored to notice. The story is just not interesting because it doesn't even seem like she's trying. From the dull alien names to the tacked on romance and cop out ending, this proves to me that Mrs. Meyer's writing has not only failed to improve, but she regressed by writing this book. Everyone who has been shielding her from constructive criticism needs to stop holding her hand. The only way she is ever going to get out of her comfort zone is to be told that her formula isn't working. Then again this book was on the NY Bestseller's list for Twenty-Six weeks. So either I'm wrong or the adult genre is taking a highway to hell. Which is frustrating because I have some good property down there.
Melina's Notes:
-So far (at the prologue) the story seems like it might be interesting. Curious about the girl and what the ugly worm thing is. Meyer is still using her prose, but so far don't want to die.
Chap 1.) So are we supposed to be rooting for the aliens who steal people's bodies and then subject us to mindless internal dialogue?
Chap 2.) So...we are rooting for the aliens? We are supposed to want them to take us over? Really Meyer? Sigh. I'm so bored.
Chap 3.) Human Resistance. So there are humans who would prefer not to have their bodies taken over by aliens and they are the bad guys?| Melanie Stryder? Really?| Jared? I smell a love interest.
Chap 4.) Another useless female lead. | Alright she knees him when he kisses her. Good Girl. | Liquid Sienna eyes? | So then Mel kisses him and its Love *Yuck* | It was all a dream. | Memory *gasp*
Chap 5.) So there are shrinks for aliens? Alien college too? This is a comedy isn't it, cause its funny like a mo-fo. So...am I supposed to care that the alien is crying? Seriously, they are justifying the body-snatching cause humans are bad? | Christ shut up alien! It's not your body!
Chap 6.) I don't care about damn see-weeds.
Chap 7.) Boring chapter, but maybe the humans are going to be the heroes. Maybe...
Chap 8.) Yes, saying you'd die is too melodramatic. 17 & 26 *Gasp* Why are Meyer's leads so ready to throw themselves at the first guy they meet.
Chap 9.) So the alien now loves Jared. How shocking /sarcasm.
Chap 10.) So aliens really think no one minds them stealing the bodies of other people/creatures.
Chap 11.) The soul is finally having doubts about what she does. | *Dalek Voice* Evil humans must exterminate.
Chap 12.) They didn't die :(
Chap 13.) Killers? Your taking over their planet!
Chap 14.) So he slaps her and she comes back? Idiot Melanie!
Chap 15-16.) So because Jared is keeping them from being killed we are supposed to feel his pain? Melanie is a pushover.
Chap 17.) I like Jamie, best character besides Kyle in the whole damn book.
Chap 18- 23.) So they have her telling stories and somehow Jeb just knows Mel is there? Ian is sympathetic for some reason and Jamie is adorable. Humans are being painted in an annoyingly negative light.
Chap 24-37.) All the humans in this story are idiots, total morons. They are allowing this alien to live with them. Jeb needs to be shot with his own gun. If he is considered to be intelligent then no wonder humans have been taken over. Jared is now a whipped prick along with Ian. Wanda is a stupid character who only cares about humans because of Mel's emotions. If she honestly felt bad she would give Mel her body back and not refer to the body as "hers". She and those perfect souls are the dumbest creatures on Earth. Yet they have no freaking flaws! Kyle is the only one with common sense and he's supposed to be the bad guy. He has every logical reason to want Wanda dead. Mel & Jared are a stupid couple.
Chap 30-End) This story is so asinine. Wanda is an alien who hates her kind, but not really. Hates humans and finds them to be monsters for wanting to protect their own kind! (Facepalm) Stop calling the body yours. | Alien medicine names [Cool, No Pain, Heal, Smooth, Clean, Awake]. One of them is glitter. | Ian is so dull. | Melanie you are a turd and should go away, except take Mel with you. | Ian shut up please. | "You are the noblest, purest creature I've ever met. The universe will be a darker place without you." [Page 555] Gag me for the love of Azula. | They took a human soul and used her to give Wanda a new body which goes against the whole point of her doing the one selfless act in this entire book. This is pure bullshit and I feel disgusted with every single character in this book. Even Kyle is dead to me.
Epic Fail.