Total Drama Bull

Aug 09, 2010 17:48

Okay, this is going to be a quick little rant. I watch the Total Drama Series and I know its stupid and silly, but it is such a fun show that I can't help it. We are now on the World Tour Series and I have been liking it so far. That was until THE SPOILERS. So I'm warning everyone, if you don't want to know what happens, please don't keep reading.

Alright, so one Total Drama I am a Duncan x Courtney shipper. Yes, I know Courtney was a bitch during TDA, but I blame the writers for that. They made her character, as well as Trent's, into two relationship obsessed people that they weren't in TDI. That being said despite Courtney's new attitude Duncan can dish out just as much as she could, hell even worse. He was a total jerk in all three season, who is popular for being hot more than anything else. Courtney and Duncan are equals and are both pretty much the same type of person just in two different "lifestyles" (Type and and Punk).

Duncan x Gwen is just silly to me, they worked great as friend but other than that there is nothing going on between them. People say they work together because Gwen is goth and Duncan is punk. This was obviously spoken by an idiot. Gwen is a really sweet girl and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She just isn't a fit for Duncan unless she is going to "change" him, which would just be irritating because she already had her match in Trent. That being said, if you ship it, congrads.

So, getting to the point, in episode 13, Duncan kisses Gwen while he was still with Courtney. This might get removed soon, but I'll post it anyway. My problem with this is that Duncan should just break up with Courtney if he wants to be with Gwen. Don't cheat because honestly, that just ends up making them all look foolish. Not to mention Gwen and Courtney were actually getting along without out.

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Anyway, its annoying and I wish they would just do this with class and ease, rather than character derailment. I mean yes, couples grow apart, we know that, however don't just allow the couple to unravel without any reason. Hell, before this all happened he was still kissing and making out with Courtney. So obviously he isn't bothered by her attitude. Plus, the excuse that its okay for a nice girl to steal a bad girl's boyfriend is just silly. You are an outsider looking in, there is no way that you know how they feel about each other on a personal level. I have no problem with DxG shippers, but I don't like the COURTNEY IS A BITCH SO ITS OKAY FOR DUNCAN TO CHEAT.

No little ones, cheating is not okay, its human, but not okay. So I hope that both Duncan and Gwen get their comeuppance. They have earned it.


total drama island, gwen, courtney, total drama world tour, total drama action, series, duncan, shipping children

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