[Eroica] Wheeeee delayed crack post.

Oct 16, 2008 16:37

Epic naval battles ship-sinking wars break brains! I blame that and the caffeine I'd ingested at the time.

Dorian couldn't believe this was happening. It had taken years. Years of hopes, of dreams, of wishes. Years of turning down offers from others who, while tempting, just weren't enough anymore. Years of refusing to be dissuaded by others and by himself that his goals were nigh on impossible.

But this was it: Klaus was finally his.

He'd barely slipped into the Major's hotel room before the man was on him, kissing him for all he was worth. As with all other things, he was pleased to find, Klaus did not waste time, and they were soon making their way to the bed, leaving a trail of clothes in their wake.

And when Klaus growled, "God, I want you." into his ear, it was all he could do not to come right then and there.

"We need--" he gasped as Klaus began mouthing a trail down his neck. "Do you have--"

It was no use. He couldn't think, let alone form words. Fortunately, Klaus understood. Unfortunately, it meant Klaus had to pull away for a moment.

Always prepared, that was his Major. Klaus had planned this. For how long, who knew. He was the slightest bit reticent, hesitant, in this as he wasn't in all other things, speaking volumes about his experience (or lack thereof), but Dorian wouldn't be surprised to find that he tackled this matter in his usual intense, thorough manner.

Klaus turned back to him, tube of lubricant in hand. Dorian lay back, shivering at the slide of skin-on-skin as Klaus covered his body with his own, and wrapped his arms around the other man's shoulders, drawing him down for a long, slow kiss. Klaus would want to be on top, of course; it was only to be expected from one of his nature. Not that Dorian minded very much. Any way he could have the love of his life, or the love of his life would have him, was perfectly fine with him.

"Dorian," Klaus said as he drew back a little, the passion-rough growl of his voice making Dorian shiver again.

Glass green eyes met his blue, as Klaus took his hand, the lube pressed between their palms.

And in the same moment, they both whispered, "Be gentle."

+ It's been months. And I'm still in need of a stiff drink.

eroica, fanfic, crack

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