(no subject)

Feb 20, 2018 08:58

There's nothing like a good bitch session at the beginning of the workday to really relieve a bit of stress. I actually caught a couple of the other secretaries on my way in this morning, and we all had a good long moment of mutually complaining, and it was just really nice to commiserate with them. Turns out I'm actually behind the curve, as three of them have already turned in their notices and don't even plan on stepping foot in Booking. I'm too nervous about going without money for an inestimable time period to just rage quit right now, but gods the temptation is strong. It's hard to decided which scares me more - being without money, or being among rowdy inmates. It's horrible being pushed around by fear.

The Captain has been out with the flu since last Thursday, so he hasn't been able to approve my vacation request yet. I'm really hoping he gets the chance before Saturday, since I timed it to start on the first day they had me in Booking. XD I'm hoping that will provide some extra time to hear back from the places I've applied to (I've sent in well over 50 applications at this point). If someone would just get the hiring ball rolling, I'd feel confident enough to put in my notice here.

I have to wait on M to get out of class tonight, so I figured I might as well go and see Black Panther. I haven't really been sucked into all the hype surrounding the movie, I'm not a huge superhero movie fan (I like the Thor and Iron Man franchises, but don't really care about the rest), but everyone is saying its great, and, well, I've seen everything else at the downtown theatre. XP I reaaally wish that Annihilation was already playing, because it's the same person who did Ex Machina, which was brilliant, but it doesn't come out until Friday. :(

Update: The Captain said that he has an In at Lockheed and will make a call for me! If they begin the hiring process this week, I can put in my notice here, and only have to endure a short time in Booking!

Unfortunately he can't approve my time off since I won't technically be working for him during that period, so the people over Booking would have to approve it, which they never would. But, at least it will get paid out to me once I leave.
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