Besides house hunting, I took the rest of my 3-day weekend to work on the 1872 corset. Things went considerably slower than I anticipated. I thought I could wrap up what was left on Saturday and then knock out some of the gown skirt on Monday, but NOPE. Setting in the remaining gussets took almost all day on Saturday, which meant that I had to take Monday to stitch in the lining and boning channels, put in the busk, and insert the boning. Blah. I have the corset with me today, so I'm going to work on the flossing while I wait for M to get out of class. I'll try and bind the edges tonight and add the lace, then I can set in the grommets on Saturday.
I'm totally in love with how it looks so far, though.
I'm trying synthetic whalebone for the first time instead of steel. I've heard great things, but still have my doubts about plastic. I am liking how lightweight this corset is, though!