Fic: I Am What I Am (62/67)

Jul 16, 2007 20:21

Chapter 34: Xander's Brain (Or: A Study in How Xander's Mind Works)
Place: The Nonexistent Representation of the Inner Workings of Xander's Brain if such abstract thoughts were to be perceived through a Herman's Head filter.
Date: March 03rd, 1998 (The Second Time)

"Observant!" Warrior barked. "Situation report!"

"Ethan the Chaos Mage and Whistler the Balance Demon have vanished. Most of the others are standing there looking worried. According to Ethan, the Judge is on his way shortly, and my Student claims he was telling the truth. Now we're all standing around wondering what to do, although it looks like Jenny is about to run out to get the Rocket Launcher without me reminding her again. Also, Buffy is wearing tights jeans that really show off her butt."

"Oh yeah!" Sexual grinning lewdly. "Legs for days! Yowzah!" He began rocking his hips, singing, "Wakka-chikka, wakka-chikka, wakka-chikka!"

"Sexual," Analytical interrupted. "Now's really not the time. If I could interrupt myself?"

"Go ahead," Warrior growled, glaring at Sexual. Sexual was becoming increasingly more distracting since becoming a teenager again.

"For now I need to ignore the threat of Ethan. I simply don't have enough information about him to do anything, and what evidence I do have suggests he may be on our side. The Judge is clearly the more worrisome threat for the immediate future."

Selfish stood up, "I gotta get the hell out of here! I can't stop the Judge without the Rocket Launcher!"

"I'm not going anywhere," Protective said firmly, causing Selfish to shrink back. "I suggest the others evacuate and I stay to stall the Judge until Jenny can return."

Warrior nodded reluctantly. "That may be our best chance. If we lose track of the Judge, he could power up even further on other innocent lives. At least if I can keep him distracted until Jenny's done, he won't rampage through the rest of the town."

Realistic frowned. "What's that going to accomplish? The Judge'll just kill me and then he'll go run off anyway. On the other hand, it's also the best chance we've got. I hate situations like this."

"I'm dead!" Panic shouted. "I'm dead! Ahh!"

Discipline smacked him away. "Shut up. This is what needs to be done, so this is what I'm going to do."

"Then I'm decided," Protective said, nodding. "The others get out, and I distract the Judge."

Humor shook his head. "Boy, I really need some pronouns in this weird fantasy. This has got to be confusing."

"Quiet, me," Discipline said firmly. "I need to stay focused."

"Oh I'm focused," Sexual grinned. "Focused on Faith's boobies! Oh yeah baby! Shake those moneymakers!"

Discipline socked Sexual in the face, and then stood tall. "Okay, decision made?"

"Decision made," most of the other aspects agreed.


Xander's grip on Cleaver II was beginning to make his fingers ache. Ethan and Whistler had just vanished, and his mind was racing about what they should do next. He made up his mind quickly. Get the others out, and then distract the Judge. It was a hell of a long shot, but it was their only chance.

Jenny had paused for only a moment after Ethan had disappeared before she pulled her daggers free again and vanished herself. No one had said a word as she left.

"You guys have to go," Xander said. "Go with Jenny or just get away, it doesn't matter which."

"I suspect you're staying," Giles said.

Xander nodded. "Someone has to. We can't let the Judge run loose. I'll distract him for as long as I can."

Giles took a deep breath. "I won't bother to try and talk you out of it. Just do your best to stay alive."

"What?" Willow exclaimed. "No! Xander, we can do something else!"

Buffy, Faith and Cordelia all began to protest as well, but the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the double doors silenced them. Xander turned his head to look. Two large demons strode into the library. One was tall and wore what looked to be thick gray armor. He was grinning broadly as he entered. The other was unmistakable. He was the big blue demon known as the Judge.

"See?" the gray one said. "I told you Whistler would do as he was told. They're all here." He frowned. "Well except for the teacher, but we'll find her later, I guess. The Slayer's a bit more important."

"Go!" Xander yelled at them. "We don't have time to argue!"

Doyle was, unsurprisingly, the first to run. Giles gave one last look at Xander before he motioned for the others to go with him. Cordelia followed, allowing Subtlety to flash back to tattoo form as she ran. If her Teacher said to run, she was going to run. Jonathon and Kendra followed as well, and Oz was forced to half-drag Willow away, who was getting close to hysterics at the thought of Xander staying behind. Angel moved in silence behind them.

"Hey!" the gray one yelled. "Don't let them get away!"

"None escape my judgment," the Judge rumbled, raising his arms. Xander's grip tightened on Cleaver II, and hoped he could stall him for long enough to get the others away.

"Hold on just a second there, Papa Smurf," he said with as casual a tone as he could. "I've got something I need to ask you."

Humor was cracking up. "Was that great, or what? Papa Smurf! Cause he's blue!"

"I hope this works," Protective said. "Otherwise I think he could fry the others before they have a chance to get away."

"By the way," Observant said, clearing his throat. "I don't think Buffy or Faith left with the others. As a matter of fact, I can kind of feel them standing to either side of me."

"Oh shit," Protective cursed. "What are they doing?"

Romantic grinned. "The same thing I'd do in their place."

"I'd die in their place," Protective said gravely. "That's not going to happen to them."

"I believe that Discpline, Imagination, and Warrior have something of a plan," Analytical said. "Perhaps it can give the others time to get the rocket launcher and come back."

"A question?" The Judge asked. He was intrigued by the brash and seemingly unworried nature of the boy in front of him.

"Hey," Skip said. "Don't stop. Come on. They're going to get away."

"Do not presume to order me," the Judge growled. "What is it you wish to ask before your death, human?"

"Ah screw this," Skip said. "When you're done dealing with these guys, you better go find the ones that got away. I've got to go secure the Mother." He gave the Judge one last glaring look, and then ran past Xander, Faith, and Buffy to follow the others. Xander clenched his jaw, wishing he could go after him, but the Judge was the bigger problem. The others had their weapons and they had Kendra. That would have to be enough.

"Well, I was just wondering," Xander said slowly, trying to stall for time. "No weapon forged by man, do you think that extends to, I dunno, Excalibur?"

The Judge narrowed his eyes. "Excalibur is locked in stone for the rest of eternity."

"Yeah, yeah I know. But just think of it as a hypothetical. Could Excalibur hurt you?"

"The question is foolish. No weapon can harm me," he began to raise his arms again.

"Ah," Xander said, holding up a finger. "Now that's not true. The reason I ask, is, well, this thing here?"

He held up Cleaver II. "This here's a magically forged weapon. You can see the runes from there, right?"

The Judge glared at him, but his arms lowered slightly. "I know of all the weapons forged in earth magic," he rumbled. "This is not one of them. The art is lost to mankind, never to be regained."

"Bzzt," Xander grinned. "Wrong answer. I call this Cleaver II, and it's forged in earth magic."

He nodded his head to his left, where Buffy stood. He desperately wanted to tell her to run, but he had to play his role now, and that meant she and Faith were parts of his plan. "The sword she's holding? It's Companion. Forged in earth magic."

"The tomahawks she's holding?" Xander said, nodding to Faith. "Can you guess? That's right. Forged in earth magic. And you want to know what else? They're all single-bearer weapons. So the question again was, do you think Excalibur could hurt you?"

"No," replied the Judge, yet he made no move to raise his arms.

"See, I think you're lying. I think you're not sure. I think maybe, just maybe, a magically forged weapon could kick your ass. And not just kick your ass like hacking apart your limbs and scattering you around the world. I'm talking kick your ass like end-of-your-existence. And you know what? I don't think you're prepared for that."

The Judge seemed to swallow, and looked back and forth between the three weapon-bearers. "No weapon forged may harm me."

"That's the guarantee," Xander agreed. "But are you willing to test it?"

The Judge glared back at him. "Are you?"

Xander nodded slowly. "I've seen you beaten," he said in a low voice. "I know it can be done. You know it too. You like to play Mr. Invincible, but we both know you spent the last couple hundred years in about a dozen shoe boxes."

"Am I on a roll, or what?" Humor grinned. "That shoe boxes line is gold! Gold I tells ya!"

"I doubt the Judge knows what a shoe box is," Analytical pointed out.

"He does seem kind of shaken," Observant said. "So far, so good."

"Yes," Warrior smiled. "The age old tactic of the bluff. I just hope he falls for it. If we can keep him at a stalemate until the others arrive, we might have a chance."

"Uh oh," Observant said suddenly.


"Faith and Buffy both just tensed. I think they're coming to a decision."

"I don't think I need to tell myself what that decision is," Romantic sighed.

"Faith's arm is rising!" Observant barked.

"I have to stop her!" Discipline shouted. "I have to do something!"

"Too late! Tammy is free!"

Buffy suddenly surged forward as Faith's arm loosed Tammy. The Judge was scared, and they both knew it. He was scared of what Companion and Tommy and Tammy could do. They made the decision together. Attack now, and take him the fuck down. (Okay, Faith might have added the fuck part.)

"No!" Xander cried, and then tried desperately to grab for Buffy as she surged forward. His reflexes were no match for Slayer speed, and she and Companion closed the distance in an instant. Tammy flew with incredible speed towards its target, and the tomahawk cut into the Judge at the same moment as Companion.

There was an explosion of red sparks, and then the Judge roared. Tammy ricocheted off the demon's face, and instead of returning to Faith's hand as it always did, it imbedded itself in the far wall. At the same moment, Companion shot out of Buffy's grip, clattering across the room. The Judge snarled and backhanded her with demonc strength, causing the tiny blonde Slayer to soar back through the air and land in a heap a few feet from Xander.

"Buffy!" he and Faith yelled together. Faith slid down to the floor beside her, and Buffy looked up woozily.

"Ow," she groaned.

The Judge stood to his full height, and took a step forward. "No weapon forged," he said in a grim smile.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Panic shouted over and over again. "We're doomed! We're doomed! They screwed us! They messed it all up!"

"Shut up!" Romantic shouted. "What's done is done."

"They took the risk that their weapons could beat him," Analytic sighed. "Unfortunately that's also dispelled any doubt that the Judge had. He truly is invincible against any weapon forged."

"So what do I do now?" Realistic wondered. "He nearly KO-ed Buffy with one punch, and all he's got to do is raise his arms and we get fried."

"Run!" Panic shouted. "I have to run! Ahhh!"

"Shut up!" Discipline boomed. "I'm not running!"

"Not while Faith and Buffy are still here," Protective said icily. None of the aspects would disagree.

"Warning!" Observant cried. "Judge's arms are raising! What do I do? What do I do?"

"I don't know," Analytical said with despair. "I don't know."

"Protect them," Protective said. "Somehow. Just protect them. They don't die again. They never die again."

"Never," Romantic agreed.

"I don't know how to save them," Discipline sighed. "Does any of me know?"

"No," Warrior said sadly.

"I could say, 'Well there goes that plan'," Humor suggested. "At least I go with a smile on my face."

"No," Protective said. "Nobody is going. I'm not dying, because me dying means they did too. And they. Are. Not. Dying. Understood?"

"I can't save them!" Panic screamed. "I'm doomed! They're doomed! It's over!"

"There has to be some part of me, some tiny sliver that can think of something!" Protective shouted. "Think!"

"Arms raised!" Observant yelled. "Glowing orange energy forming! Time is running out!"

"Think of something!" each aspect yelled at another. Most of the voices were drowned out, only Protective's constant, "Protect them! They don't die!" could be heard until.

Until an echoing silence washed over Xander's mind, and a clear, ancient voice spoke.

"Raise Cleaver," it boomed, speaking loudly and without question. It was the voice that rarely ever had to speak. "Protect them."

Yet whenever Instinct gave an order, it was always obeyed.

The crackling orange energy formed on the Judge's fingertips. Xander's mind raced, but he could think of nothing to do. Faith was on the ground holding Buffy, who now had blood beginning to trickle out of her nose. Neither was paying much attention to the Judge, and neither was making any motion to move. Not that they had time to get out of the way, regardless.

The bolt of energy was loosed from the Judge's hands. Xander cried out, and acting on pure instinct, dove in front of Faith and Buffy, Cleaver II extended before him.

There was a horrible screeching sound; the sound of metal being torn asunder, and a terribly bright explosion of orange and white light cascaded through the room. Xander screamed, shielding his eyes with his free arm as he felt Cleaver II growing hot underneath his grip. He could hear Faith screaming, whether from the pain of the Judge's attack or the terrible cacophony of sight and sound that was currently assaulting their senses, he had no idea.

A sharp crack sounded through the room, and suddenly the sound was gone. Xander blinked a few times as he opened his eyes. The Judge was still standing at the entrance of the library, his arms outstretched, with orange energy blasting from his fingertips. Energy that should even now be coursing through their bodies and destroying every shred of their humanity.

Instead, it traced web-like across the space between the Judge and Xander, slamming with powerful force against...

His shield.

A wide, oversized shield was held tightly in Xander's arm. The sides curved slightly towards him, and it was formed in a curving pentagon shape that tapered off slightly near the bottom. His hand fit perfectly into a triple strap that was made of a material Xander couldn't quite recognize, but felt vaguely like leather. It was a tight and perfect fit, allowing him to hold the shield steady against the onslaught of energy.

The demonic energy slammed against the shield and seemed to slide off of it, forming a kind of bubble around Xander and the two girls. He held the shield with his head ducked down behind it, and was unable to see what the front looked like.

All he knew that they weren't dead, and somehow, he had a shield.

"So uh, Cleaver turned into a shield," Observant said, stunned.

"A shield?" Analytical asked.


"Weapons don't turn into shields," Analytical argued. "Shields aren't weapon. And there's no such thing as a magical shield."

"Well then I'm crazy, because it seems to me like I'm holding one right now," Observant countered.

"Well yes, but that doesn't mean that- I mean this just isn't what happens!"

"I think it's kind of fitting," Romantic said. "And I'm sure as heck not complaining about it."

"Yeah," Protective agreed. "Best power ever, as far as I'm concerned."

"A good defense is essential in any battle," Warrior said. "I suggest focusing my attention on protecting the girls and defeating the Judge. Analysis of the shield can wait until later."

"Agreed," Analytical said. "For now. Unfortunately, I still don't know what to do next."

Discipline shrugged. "Wing it."

"I beg my pardon? Discipline wants to wing it? Discipline is supposed to be about training and careful reactions."

"Sometimes the only reaction is to go with the flow," Discipline reminded himself. "Not everything can be planned for."

"So then what am I doing?" Analytical asked.

"Holding on tight."

Xander grit his teeth, holding on tight, his feet carefully pressing against the floor to steady himself. The powerful energy slamming into the shield wasn't harming them, but its force was threatening to push him backwards. All he could think of to do was hold on tight, and hope the others got back soon.

"Kill you!" the Judge roared, pouring on the energy. He seemed determined to defeat the protective shield Xander now held.

"What do we do?" Faith nearly screamed in an effort to be heard over the sound of the demonic energy.

"If you have a suggestion," Xander grunted. "Now would be the time to give it."

Faith looked back down at Buffy, who was blinking and trying to regain her bearings. "She's still out of it!"

"Then just hold on!" he cried.

"Damn it," Giles cursed. "What were they thinking?"

"Oh my God!" Willow wailed. "They're going to die! They're all going to die!" She clutched Oz like a lifeline, weeping against him, desperately trying to regain control of herself. He hugged her tightly, constantly keeping the thought in his mind to keep his claws retracted. He wasn't very confident that they wouldn't spring out at random.

"We could go back," Kendra said. They were quickly making their way to Sunnydale's military base, where they hoped to meet with Jenny and get the rocket launcher back as quickly as possible.

For a moment it looked like Giles would say they were going back. Then his shoulders slumped. "No, it would be foolish. We must think of- of the greater good." He exchanged a look with Angel, who nodded grimly.

"Teac-Xander knows what he's doing," Cordelia said confidently. "He'll be okay. We just need to follow the pla-" A gray blur streaked in front of Cordelia. She slumped suddenly to the floor.

"Hi," Skip said, flexing his fingers where he had just struck Cordelia. He picked her up easily with demonic speed. "Sorry to bug you guys, but I kind of need to borrow her."

"Like hell," Giles growled, stepping forward with Wisdom at the ready. Beside him Kendra stalked forward, Honor's Grace held in both hands. Angel was on his other side, and Solitude burst into flame.

"Ooh," Skip said, pretty sword. "Think you can do something with it before I snap her pretty neck?" He smiled at them, holding Cordelia's head in his hands. "No? You sure?"

None of them moved, afraid to provoke this unknown demon into killing Cordelia. Kendra's arm trembled slightly, wondering if she could sheath and re-draw Honor's Grace before he snapped her neck. She was forced to stay still.

"Great," Skip smiled. "Well, in that case, I'm going to take off. But I don't want you guys to be lonely, so I brought a couple of friends with me," he turned his head to the darkness all around them. "Fellas?"

Three groups of vampires emerged from the dark side streets, numbering at least forty in total. Each was showing their true demonic visage, and each was grinning with anticipation of both the blood they'd be feasting on, and the money they'd be getting afterwards. Of course, a few had plans on killing their comrades so they could get their share, but that was for later.

"See, I kinda figured that if hiring two vampires failed, why not try hiring fifty?" Skip grinned. "You guys let me know how that works out." He backed away, holding Cordelia's limp form in his powerful arms. "Oh, and remember guys, Angelus stays undead, got it? No dusting."

"You're dead," Angel promised him.

"Sure I am, pal. You think your little enchantment spell on your sword is going to help you? Nobody cares about a little flame illusion. Now be a good bunch of saps and stay nice and still until I'm out of sight." He turned his head again to the vampires. "Not a move until I'm safely away, got it?"

"Yeah," growled one, apparently the leader.

"Good. Well, have fun!" he smiled and turned away, moving swiftly down the street with Cordelia in his arms. Moments later, he was gone.

Angel held the flaming sword called Solitude in one hand as he and Giles stood back to back. Kendra looked around at the vampires surrounding them, and slowly slid Honor's Grace back into its scabbard.

Willow looked around with wide eyes as the vampires moved slowly towards them. Oz stood beside her, and with a snikt, his claws popped free.

"Hope these things work," he said to her, a casual tone in his voice.

"Me too," she whispered. Then she closed her eyes, and let herself bask in her core. "Everyone ready?

"N-No," Jonathon stammered, holding on to Backbone tightly "But don't let that stop you."

"I might be a little happier if I had me a fancy weapon," Doyle said nervously.

"Behind me, Doyle," Angel ordered. Doyle quickly scrambled behind him.

"Heh, heh, heh," one of the larger vampires chuckled. "I call first dibs on the Slayer."

The huge mass of vampires all laughed, some cracking their knuckles. For a moment, neither side moved. Then someone shouted, "Get 'im!" and the vampires surged forward.

"Now!" Kendra yelled, pulling Honor's Grace free. Time froze around her, and Kendra could see the first little bursts of light emitting from Willow's fingertips. She dove over the first line of vampires, landing behind them. She quickly turned and leaped at the closest vampire, slashing down with Honor's Grace just as time jerked forward again. The magical blade cut through the vampire's throat, dusting him instantly.

Chaos erupted on the streets of Sunnydale.

Ethan smiled. "Mmm, that's quite nice."

"What is?" Whistler spat. He was hovering in mid-air in a place that was not a place. Darkness surrounded them. Ethan stood staring out at the darkness while Whistler hovered in the air, his arms held tightly to his sides. He'd lost his hat at some point, and he was just a little pissed about that.

"Hmm?" Ethan asked, turning back to him. "Oh, nothing. Just keeping an eye on things." He brought his finger to his lips and breathed in deeply through his nose. "Well then, let's get this over with, shall we? I can't say I'm looking for to it, but we must all make personal sacrifices."

"You wanna kill me? Fine. Kill me. I'm ready."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Well of course you are. Only people who enjoy their current existence are truly afraid to die. And you, my dear puppet, are hardly enjoying yourself lately, are you?"

Whistler said nothing, and glared at the Chaos Mage.

"No, of course you're not. So tragic really. Many demons actually do get some choice in who and what they are, especially those types that can mix genetically with human beings. But you had the poor luck to exist as a Balance Demon. How terrible that must be. To be nothing more than a puppet dancing on the strings of the so-called Powers-That-Be."

"Everyone's gotta be somethin'," Whistler shrugged with a nonchalance he did not really feel.

"We all are what we are," Ethan said with a smooth smile. "And yet, some of us can be more than others. Particularly someone like me. How would you like to be more like me, Whistler? How would you like to make your own decisions? How would you like to be an agent of Chaos, instead of a puppet of Balance?"

"No way," Whistler said. "I'm a Balance Demon. It's who I am."

Ethan nodded, rolling his eyes. "Yes yes, of course I can't expect you to tell me what you really want, because of course you can't tell me what you really want. It's a bit of a catch-22, really. Luckily for you, I'll make the decision for you. I must say, I rather like the irony of a Balance Demon becoming an agent of Chaos. You would like that, wouldn't you? To be on the side of good again?"

Whistler glared at him hatefully. "You ain't good. You're just like them. The Powers, they're helpin' the bad side cause the good side's winning. You, you're helping the good side cause the good side's winning."

Ethan smiled. "Oh I do admit, the distinction between good and evil is really lost on me. Chaos is really my goal, and it so happens that promoting the cause of good happens to be particularly chaotic these days. And I must admit, it is a pleasant reversal of roles. Watching you and your mercenary friend scramble around trying to fix things has been quite entertaining.

"But no more of that," Ethan sighed. "Soon you'll be able to decide whatever it is you wish as a dutiful agent of Chaos."

"So you ain't gonna kill me," Whistler said. "You're just gonna turn me into a Chaos Demon?"

Ethan laughed. "A Chaos Demon? Whoever heard of such a thing? Chaos doesn't need demons. Chaos has six billion agents running around every single day!"

"What? You mean-"

"Of course! Good news, Pinnochio. The Blue Fairy is here to turn you into a real boy."

"No," Whistler gasped.

"Trust me," Ethan said. "You'll thank me for this later. Of course, it will have to be much later, as I plan on being far away from you until I have, shall we say, recovered from this exertion. You should be flattered, really. Turning an agent of Balance into an agent of Chaos is quite exhausting, but I suspect the final outcome will justify the price. And just think of the look on the Oracles' faces when they see what you've become!"

He would never, could never admit it, but Whistler found the idea kind of funny.

"Well then, let's begin, shall we?" Ethan clapped his hands together and rubbed them. Then he took a deep breath, smiled, and placed his palm on Whistler's chest.

"Uh oh," Observant said.

"What, uh-oh?" Analytical asked.

"Incoming message from the fingers says that, yeah, the shield is getting hot."

"How hot?"

"Umm," Observant frowned. "If it keeps increasing like it has, in about a minute or two it's going to be hot enough to burn me."

"Crap!" Panic shouted. "I'm fucked!"

Discipline quickly smacked Panic away. "I'm holding on, no matter what."

Protective nodded. "Yes. No matter what."

"Agreed," Warrior growled. "I'm not about to give up now. I'll hold on until the flesh singes from my bones, if I have to."

Panic whimpered.

"Buffy may recover soon," Protective said. "When that happens, first priority is to get them out of here. Then I can start thinking about doing something about the growing heat."

"Definitely agreed," Romantic said.

"Well," Analytic said thoughtfully. "I suppose that if I pressed forward, I might be able to cause the bubble of protection to spread out to the point where Faith and Buffy could escape out the back."

"No way!" Sexual shouted. "Can't you feel Faith pressin' up against me, all scared and whatnot? Oh man, I'll be thinking about this for weeks!"

"Not the time!" Discipline shouted again. "Go wait in the subconscious until it's time to take a shower!"

"But I-"

"Now!" roared the others.

"Fine," Sexual pouted. "But I better believe there's gonna be some awesome fantasies when I get back. I've got this one I'm working on where Buffy, Faith, Willow and Cordelia are having this slumber party, see..."

"Just go!" Discipline shouted.

"Hey that was pretty good," Imagination said, with a grin. "I mean uh, yeah! Get out of here!"

"Anyway," Analytical said. "Do I have enough strength to press forward?"

Observant frowned slightly. "I dunno. I'm struggling pretty hard just to stay where I am and not get pushed back."

Analytical sighed. "I can use the enhancement spell if I really need some extra strength. So I need to find out if Faith and Buffy are ready to run for it once I hit it."

"Faith!" Xander yelled over the streaming fury of the energy. She looked up at him. "Is she good to go?"

Buffy seemed to nod a little, and then sat up. Faith looked at her intently, obviously conversing mentally.

"I think so," Faith said. "She's kind of confused, but getting better fast."

"Good. Here's what we're going to do. You guys get ready to run. As soon as you are, I'll hit the enhancement spell and rush him. Hopefully this shield will deflect the energy enough, giving you a chance to get out of here."

Faith began to nod, but suddenly looked at Buffy. She looked back to Xander a moment later. "What about you?"

"I've got the shield."

"How are you going to hold it when you're completely drained after the spell?" Faith demanded.

"It doesn't matter! You guys are getting out of here!"

"Not without you!" she yelled back.

"Damn it, Faith! I don't know how long this is going to hold, so just fucking listen to me and go!"

"You stay, I stay." She looked down at Buffy, who looked up at her and nodded. "We stay."

"I don't know how you two can share your brains and still be so stupid," Xander growled.

"Fuck you," Faith said with a slight grin. "Now hold the fuck on, cause we got a plan."

Xander groaned, grit his teeth, and tried to ignore the rising heat against the shield.

fanfic: i am what i am

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