I weep for our nation's future. Also, let's talk about me in relation to my health and TV shows!

May 10, 2010 19:15

It bothers me that none of you share in my love of Sunset Riders. I'm going to assume it's because you're woefully ignorant and lack a proper education, and not because you hate magnificence. Surely to know Sunset Riders is to love Sunset Riders, so it must be that you simply are unaware of it.

Anyway, how about a rambling status update? Yours truly, M. Mcgregor, the living legend (so dreamy!) yadda yadda yadda -- I didn't know giving myself a pompous title would be so much work to maintain -- is in a bit of a slump. I've got plenty of ideas bouncing around in my head, but they wind up getting stuck in the sheer anatomical dysfunction of my brain. I'm somewhere around my fifth or possibly sixth new treatment attempt to get my skull to stop feeling like it's splitting open, but who knows when that will actually happen.

So if you're upset about lack of fic output, just know that I'm right there with you. It really bugs me that I can't actually sit down and write, save for that two-week period back in January where I suddenly was mostly migraine-free.

On the other hand, I have been continuing to make notes and such. I had something of a revelation about the future of Sights Unseed. It's not exactly a major change to the overall plot, but it is a twist on a twist, and I'm excited about writing it. Someday.

Also: I've been reading back over my stories, especially Defender of the Night, I Am What I Am, and See Noir Evil, and I've come to the conclusion that I hate myself. DOTN in particular makes me cringe to try and read it. The only reason I don't go back and rewrite all three of those stories to conform to a higher technical standard of grammar and basic ability is that I don't want to pull a George Lucas and dramatically alter stories that people seem to like (also laziness.)

Although don't get me wrong, I kind of like that when I read my older stories I find them severely lacking. There was a time there when I thought See Noir Evil was the pinnacle of my story writing ability, and I couldn't really see too much wrong with it. Now I find it to be riddled with silly mistakes and poor choices. That's a good thing. It means I'm still learning. I think if I ever get to a day where I read back on my old stories and think "Boy, what a genius I am, this is all perfect" that's the day when I've stagnated as a writer and will stink for the rest of my life.

Either that or I'll have actually achieved writing nirvana and single-handedly created perfection, thus becoming/creating God.

Anyway, there's not much more for me to say. Things could be going much better for me these days, but truthfully I'm doing better than I was a year ago, so any progress is good progress.

I would like to add one last thing: to any person in the past that I ever rolled my eyes at, scoffed at, or treated with disdain for claiming they were incapable of doing something due to migraines, I deeply, deeply apologize. Because actual migraines? Those things are a goddamn nightmare.

Lastly: In the past, I have been very down on Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis. This is because these are terrible shows. So imagine my surprise when I find myself enjoying Stargate: Universe. I don't know if it's because the acting is just worlds better than before or because they're aping Battlestar Galatica's camera style, but they must be doing something right, because old-school Stargate fans seem to HATE it ("not enough explosions!" -- actual complaint I've seen more than once) and I seem to like it.

I'm not entirely sure Stargate: Universe will actually wind up maturing into a fully good show, but for now it's one of the few things I watch every week, and considering how bad I thought the other Stargates were, I think that's saying something.

Although the last episode started pulling the old Stargate "lazy plot contrivances" card though, so I may be changing my tune on this show soon.

It's probably also an indicator of how desperate I am for a sci-fi show, especially with Lost limping its way to what's probably going to be a very wishy-washy ending.
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