Random Thought #1: It occurs to me that if the Metal Gear Solid series was produced by an American, there would have been a character in it called Comiccon.
PS: I may have already mentioned this, but
Metal Gear Solid 4 is an awful trainwreck of a game. Random Thought #2: I would love it if Penn and Teller could keep their Libertarian pipe dreams out of Bullshit! It's not that I begrudge them for holding such political views, it's that they, like Michael Shermer, seem to think they can prove their political idealogy with science. I also think they're crossing deep into the territory of being flat-out disingenuous with some of their arguments. They always admit that they're biased, but they also claim to try and be truthful.
This is a broader issue that's kind of sneaking into the modern skeptical movement. Many skeptics happen to be libertarians, and a few prominent ones seem to think that to be skeptical is to be libertarian. I love P&T when they deal with stuff that can be resolved via empirical evidence (Lie Detector episode: yay!) but I can't stand when they do stuff that's resolved with childish arguments and strawman tactics (Taxes episode: boo!)
Also, I've seen on Penn's video blog that he may finally be recognizing that his "I just don't know, it's okay for me not to know" stance on global warming is a pretty major cop out. I could say the same thing about the existence of invisible unicorns. Hopefully in this regard he'll be like Michael Shermer and come around to the scientific evidence that points to global warming being real and man-made.
(Which is not to say that all or even most of the nightmare scenarios that get presented will ever come to pass. Just that global warming is happening and that pretending it's not or that we can't know for sure is idiotic.)
Random Thought #3: It's going to be very difficult to get through the next three weeks without the Daily Show to help alleviate my all-encompassing rage in regards to the current state of the US Healthcare Reform "debate." Hopefully Barney Frank will tell a few more idiots to fuck off.
Random Thought #4: Speaking of Barney Frank, Massachussetts, I kind of hate you. My state doesn't have badass politicians who talk to fools like they should be spoken to. We've got Chuck Schumer. Who I guess it nice and all, but damn it, I'm getting sick of Massachussetts out liberaling every other state. My god, if I were a Yankee fan I'd want to strangle the entire state.
Of course, if I were a Yankee fan I'd just put a bullet in my head and save the world from my awfulness.
(And yes I know Barney Frank is not blameless in ths whole economic crisis, but I don't care. He's the only politician to show some goddamn balls and tell these lunatics to piss the hell off.)
Random Thought #5: I'm starting to wish I'd never posted the first few chapters of Sights Unseed. I had big plans for the future of that story, but I suspect the chances of it being finished any time soon are very, very low. Wonk wonk.
Random Thought #6: I cannot believe that I do not yet own Star Trek on Blu-Ray.
Random Thought #7: Watched some of Warehouse 13 recently. It's okay with the possibility of getting better. Unfortunately Jane Espenson without Joss Whedon tends to mean bland blandness with a side of bland.
On the other hand, I've recently watched all of Leverage so far, and gosh darn it, there is just something very likable about that show, and it's pretty much entirely because of the characters. I think I would happily watch them all just spend an hour grocery shopping, provided there were random flashbacks to Parker's twisted childhood all throughout.