Since I can't seem to write anything of my own lately, I propose a boredom inspired game:
Write a first paragraph for me. It doesn't have to be fannish. I will attempt to reply with something at least slightly entertaining based off of what you write. Try to make it at least somewhat coherent, if you please.If you do make it fannish, please try to
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It wasn't like Xander had never had a bad day. He had had a bad day. Days, in fact.
He'd gotten an eye gouged out, once, for instance.
But that was the kind of bad day that you could really only experience once. Or twice. And it was a life-altering kind of bad. Always-look-left-twice bad. This was more of a I-just-mistook-Dawn-for-a-piece-of-ass kind of bad.
Only without the happy pregame.
He blamed Giles, really. Two solid weeks of injections and lectures and survival training, and no one--not Giles, not Buffy, not even Willow--had thought to warn Xander about the pervasive case of naked he would find in the villages.
Not the good kind of naked, either.
Plus, there was the whole Somalian warlord wanting his head and all, but it was the NAKED that had Xander considering gouging out his other eye. Permanent blindness seemed a small price to pay.
But this was the best vantage point. Unassuming shack, blanket over the door. He was angled to see the not-quite-a trail that led from the road however many miles away, so while, yes, he could see all the naked he could ever want or fear, he could also see the flatbed.
Full of drug-runners.
Rubbing his temple and instinctively tapping Willow's lucky watch, Xander struggled out of the chair and into the light. The runners, of course, recognized him as THE one-eyed American. He just had to hope that his bribe was more lucrative than his bounty.
"I hate Africa," he groaned before stepping through the doorway.
I like stand-alone sentences. Incidentally, there's a good chance that I misunderstood the original intent of your post.
Sorry about that.
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