Dec 27, 2009 14:58
Like you don't know what this list is.
- Spaced Seasons 1&2 on DVD
- The Kite Runner on DVD (interchangeable with brother's No Country For Old Men)
- Copy of The Road
- Copy of Flash Forward
- Wonderfully Garish Warholesque Cat Pillow
- Chalkboards in the shape of North and South islands (sadly lacking in Stewart Island)
- New cutting board
- The cutest little Digital radio you ever did see :3
- New bike (it needs a name :3)
- Pretty pretty black pearl necklace
- Perfume and makeupy things
- Lovely lovely cotton paper
Dad liked his book, Mum loved her button ring, brother adores his grenade belt-buckle. It's a good year. Or would be if there wasn't something sickeningly delicious hanging over our heads.
Currently, the house contains:
- The Cadbury box mum got from work containing at least twenty bars, a tin of biscuits, a bag of roses and more I cannot remember
- The milk tray mum bought after general consensus that we would rather have one box of somewhat nice chocolate rather than six tins of foil-wrapped shit.
- NZ chocolate from various sources pooled to fill a small crate.
- Everyone's personal christmas stashes of chocolate oranges, rose & violet creams, etcetera
Add to that the fact that Dad's sister & family who are visiting from NZ have apparently brought yet more chocolate and the fact that NZ chocolate is just so good that you cannot give it away to anyone outside of the immediate family without exceptional cause and you may start to understand why no-one can stand to look at the chocolate log that's been in the microwave for four days.
So we've started a plan of action: All visitors to leave with at least an extra pound in weight. We will sneak it in your pockets, we will stuff it in your sandwiches. We will hurl small cellophane-wrapped problems through your car windows even as you screech out of the driveway. We have a chocolate flow problem, and we are not going down without a fight.
nickers what the fuck is this,
warranted glee,
so many books,
whine and cheese