Jun 10, 2006 17:37
Hi everybody!
I've recently joined your community and do finally find the time to post a "HI!".
I'm 21 years old and I live in the south of Germany.
I have learned about the true Mary Magdalene when I was reading "The DaVinci" code and her person immediately grabbed my attention. I'm now reading "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", but since this is pretty tough to read, I'm not far yet.
I may say that I left the church about half a year ago and now I am aiming to join a local Wicca coven. That was before I even heard about Dan Brown. However, I realize for myself that somehow, Mary is very much a brigde between Christianity and Paganism. The way she is being worshipped has many pagan influences and I am trying to learn as much about her, her surroundings and time as possible. But I have still a long way to go.
The church as it existed now and today is a very very interesting ... establishment. I love to learn about the history of it from a strictly scientific point of view. I still think that Christianity as it was meant to be when this believe was just born is a great thing. Jesus was a great man. But I cannot see him as the one who is being worshipped by Christians and so I have no reason to follow that believe any longer with my heart.
I don't want to trat on anybody's toes by going too far now, but if you like to discuss, I am always open.
However, I hope that I can be useful for this community and vice versa.
Have a great time! Hope to read you soon!