
Feb 21, 2008 19:08


so this is my life right now: I got home from work on Saturday morning and ran through the house, throwing things into a bag. My friend Nick had come up to me the day before talking about a ski weekend and said he'd be there to pick me up sometime around eight. The hosue was empty but that's not unusual in and of itself. I threw everything I needed into a backpack just in time to jump into his car and sleep the four hour drive to the west edge of Virginia. The only problem was that my phone was dying and I couldnt' find my charger. To compensate for the fact that it'd be days before I'd be able to look for that darn charger, I just kept my phone off for the most part of the weekend, spending about thirty minutes total on it from Saturday morning to Monday afternoon, when I got back home.

Again, the house was empty. Still, nothing too new. Elena was probably at work or with Richie. I shower and hop over to Dougie's place to spend the rest of the day with him, trying to make peace (he, er, didn't know where I'd gone and wasn't happy in the slightest was, as Papi put it, was "resigned" to the fact as the day ended).

The next day, as I'm driving home from a very, very sucky day at work and a very, very sucky drive back (almost two hours of traffic due to an accident blocking the only bridge across the bay to my home), I stop by the mall and pick up a car charger to amp up my long-since dead cell phone. And then I call Elena.

I was going to invite her out to dinner but, hey, guess what... she left to go home to Colorado. On Friday. And it was Tuesday night when I found out.

I was talking to my friend Ricky about it. Being still very pissed off, my logic is, well, very twisted and very selfish. Ricky, though, has had a rough childhood and grew up without his parents; he told me to get over myself. I'm going to try, I guess, but man! I'm still steaming.

Since then... well, I've had to go back to work. I had duty on Wednesday, and maintenance kept me down in the plants until this afternoon. I'm thinking about just chilling for the rest of the month, about not doing much but hanging out with myself. And talking with myself. Maybe getting a dog. That sounds like a good idea to me, because let's face it: there's no one else here.
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