51 Unasked questions
Do you like your neighbor?: One I have never met and the other is my grandma! So I hate one and don't know the other.
Whats one word that describes your last fight?: Long-Ago see how I did that
What did your last text message say?: I want to be your lover My bro is weird
Do you carve pumpkins every year?: Nope I haven't done that in awhile actually :(
Color of your shirt?: Blue
Who's the person who you call the most?: Home...well thats sad
Whats your favorite season?: Fall or spring
How are you feeling right now?: I got a little bounce in my step
What did you do this weekend?: Worked 30 hours
How many times have you moved?: once when I was 5 not including college
What is the last thing you touched that is not computer related?: My danger zone when I went pee pee
Would you do anything for someone else?: Depends on the person but I usually help everyone out
Have you ever been called a punk?: haha all the time
Was yesterday better than today?: Hmmm no
What is your ring tone?: Paralyzer by finger eleven...I should get with the times
Do you have a favorite number?: nope I always just make one up
Are your grades good?: They were
Do you hate anyone/anything?: Nope hate is a really strong word but I really really really don't like some people
Does your best friend have a myspace?: Indeed
Last time you went out to lunch?: Yesterday
Dinner?: Yesterday...I usually am at work so I get somethin
Have you ever gotten into a physical fight with a member of the opposite se: Nope i would get my ass kicked
How old will you be in 2 months?: 21! I'm 21 right now too! Exciting
Do you think you'll be married by then?: Ummm if I get really really drunk and meet someone at vegas
Do you have one or more Britney Spears CD's?: just one and its the first one!
What did you do last night?: chilled and watched the tigers game
If you took a drug test would you pass?: I have and I did! Whew!
Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?: No I have books
Whats your favorite movie?: Kung Fu Panda!
Do people ever spell your name wrong?: Mike? Um I hope not. furlong on the other hand seems to be a problem
Do you believe everyone has a soulmate?: sure
Can you sing?: I can but its not perfect
When was the last time you cried?: awhile ago
Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?: once in awhile
Do you know how to knit?: nope I never learned
Do you have a job?: yup as a security guard! It is as cool as it sounds
Is there anything currently bothering you?: Hmm kinda a little
What are you doing right now besides this survey?: listening to music
Do you know how to play poker?: I do and I love it
Baskin Robins or Coldstone?: Both but if I have to pick its coldstone
Physics or chemistry?: Neither I'm not a big fan of science
Facebook or Myspace?: I only got facebook soooo myspace
Do you wear any jewelry?: nope no jewelry
What is the color of your bedroom walls?: Umm let me see...dark white?
When do you prefer to take a shower, morning or night?: mornign I sweat at night
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?: HP!
Fly or road trip?: Road trip!!!
Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Tanner Vineyard, or Shalayna Hatcher?: Uhhhh spiderman
What's your favorite Disney movie?: The lion king!
What are your plans for tonight?: Work for 12 hours!
Was this survey original?: nope
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OK I Confess
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Do you mind explaining things to children?
nope I like teaching kids
How many times a day do you go to the bathroom?
um 3
Can you neatly write with your opposite hand?
I can't even do that with my left hand
Do you prefer chicken, beef, pork, or tofu?
chicken! Tofu was for a certain reason to make people unhappy
What are you doing besides this survey?
listening to music
Do you have a clock in the room you are sitting in right now?
yes I do
What is the name of your neighborhood or development?
? I live in the country...
If you were a cow, would you sleep standing up, or lying down?
I would sleep lying down
If you could go outta town right now where would you be going?
I would surprise someone
What is your favorite video game?
Hmmm I don't really play...football?
When did you cry last?
at a funeral
Have you ever played the game MASH?
Yes I have...I always ended up losin
Youre gonna get a piercing, where is it?
How do you feel about your first true love?
No hard feelings
When you were little, were you totally into Barney?
No I hated him then too
My number 4 friend has a nice:
Who is my number 4?
Do you play games on your cell phone?
I do all the time! I only got one tho
Are you an aunt/uncle?
I am not. My bro is well gay
If you could change one thing about your looks, what would it be?
My face
What kind of magnets are on your fridge?
Random ones
Who was the last person you had a serious talk with?
Someone I never thought I would
Who do you call when you need comfort?
The pope
What movie do you want to see?
Wall E
When is the last time you did a puzzle?
Wow...years ago
What songs would you put on a cd if you were about to burn one?
The new ones
When did you last go to the gym?
yesterday and now today
What cable company do you have?
Direct TV
Have you ever played Monopoly, and won?
I don't think I ever finished a game
How easily do you apologize?
very easily sorry...see
Have you taken any medicine lately?
excedrin for a migraine
Hottest thing you see right now?
the sun
Does everything happen for a reason?
sure does
What is your favorite online game?
Text twist
Favorite TV channel?
Last place you got a hair cut?
Last person you made a bet with?
I can't remember...I actually have a good story about that...
Stayed in a hotel lately?
nope not in awhile
What is somthing you are scared to do?
Put myself out there
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
My bro
Do you have four generations still living in the family?
yes I do!
Best rib place youve ate at?
Hmmm this place in connecticut
What is one of your family tradition?
I don't think we have one
Is there anything you always do before you go to bed?
potty, brush teeth
What goes best with soda?
How many lights are on in your house?
Wanna get anything off your chest?
I'm preggers
What is something you learned today?
surveys suck so my lj is gonna be lame today
Tired of MySpace?