Апостолов Петра и Павла

Jul 12, 2024 16:43

12 iюля - день
Славныхъ и всехвальныхъ первоверховныхъ Апостоловъ Петра и Павла

Тропарь, гласъ 4
Апостоловъ первопрестольницы и вселенныя учителiе,
Владыку всѣхъ молите миръ вселеннѣй даровати и душамъ нашимъ велiю милость.

Troparion, tone 4
First-enthroned of the apostles, teachers of the universe:
Entreat the Master of all to grant peace to the world, and to our souls great mercy.

О, преславнiи апостоли Петре и Павле, души за Христа предавшiи и кровiю вашею пажить Его удобрившiи! Услышите чадъ вашихъ молитвы и воздыханiя, сердцемъ сокрушеннымъ нынѣ приносимыя. Се бо беззаконьми омрачихомся, и того ради бѣдами якоже тучами обложихомся, елеа же добраго житiя обнищахомъ зѣло, и не возможемъ противитися волкомъ хищнымъ, иже расхищати наслѣдiе Божiе дерзостно тщатся. О сильнiи! Понесите немощи наша, не отлучайтеся духомъ отъ насъ, да не разлучимся въ конецъ отъ любве Божiя, но крѣпкимъ заступленiемъ вашимъ насъ защитите, да помилуетъ Господь всѣхъ насъ молитвъ вашихъ ради, да истребитъ же рукописанiе безмѣрныхъ грѣховъ нашихъ и да сподобитъ со всѣми святыми блаженнаго Царствiя и брака Агнца Своего, Емуже честь, и слава, и благодаренiе, и поклоненiе, во вѣки вѣковъ. Аминь.

O most glorious Apostles Peter and Paul, who laid down your lives for Christ and beautified His pasture with your blood! Hearken unto the prayers and sighs of your children which are now offered up with contrite heart. For, lo! we have darkened ourselves with iniquities, and for this cause have we been covered with misfortunes as with showers; and we have become exceedingly poor in the oil of a good life, and we cannot fend off the ravening wolves which boldly strive to lay hands on the inheritance of God. O ye mighty ones! bear ye our infirmities and separate yourselves not from us in spirit, that we not depart utterly from the love of God; but with your mighty assistance defend us, that the Lord have mercy on us all for the sake of your prayers, that He rend asunder the handwriting of our countless sins, and that He vouchsafe us with all the saints the blessed kingdom and the wedding feast of His Lamb, to Whom be honor and glory, thanksgiving and worship, unto the ages of ages. Amen.


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