Тогда былъ въ Iерусалимѣ человѣкъ, именемъ Симеонъ. Онъ былъ мужъ праведный и благочестивый, чающiй утѣшенiя Израилева и Духъ Святый былъ на немъ.
Ему было предсказано Духомъ Святымъ, что онъ не увидитъ смерти, доколѣ не увидитъ Христа Господня.
И пришелъ онъ по вдохновенiю въ храмъ. И когда родители принесли Младенца Iисуса, чтобы совершить надъ Нимъ законный обрядъ, онъ взялъ Его на руки, благословилъ Бога и сказалъ:
Нынѣ отпущаеши раба Твоего, Владыко, по глаголу Твоему съ миромъ:
яко видѣстѣ очи мои спасенiе Твое, еже еси уготовалъ предъ лицемъ всѣхъ людей, свѣтъ во откровенiе языкомъ, и славу людей Твоихъ Израиля.
Евангелiе отъ Луки 2:25-32
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon;
And the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he Him up in his arms, blessed God, and said:
Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word:
For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.
The Gospel according to St. Luke 2:25-32
Et ecce homo erat in Jerusalem cui nomen Symeon.
Et homo iste justus et timoratus expectans consolationem Israel, et Spiritus Sanctus erat in eo.
Et responsum acceperat ab Spiritu Sancto: non visurum se mortem nisi prius videret Christum Domini.
Et venit in Spiritu in templum et cum inducerent puerum Jesum parentes eius ut facerent secundum consuetudinem legis pro eo,
Et ipse accepit eum in ulnas suas et benedixit Deum et dixit:
Nunc dimittis servum Tuum, Domine, secundum verbum Tuum in pace,
Quia viderunt oculi mei salutare Tuo, quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum,
Lumen ad revelationem gentium et gloriam plebis Tuae Israel.
Evangelium secundum Lucam 2:25-32
Тропарь, гласъ 1:
Радуйся, Благодатная Богородице Дѣво, изъ Тебе бо возсiя Солнце правды, Христосъ Богъ нашъ, просвѣщаяй сущiя во тьмѣ. Веселися и ты, старче праведный, прiемый во объятiя Свободителя Душъ, дарующаго намъ воскресенiе.
Кондакъ, гласъ 1:
Утробу Дѣвичу освятивый рождествомъ Твоимъ, и руце Симеоне благословивый, якоже подобаша, предваривъ, и нынѣ спаслъ еси насъ, Христе Боже, но умири во бранехъ жительство, и укрѣпи люди, ихже возлюбилъ еси, едине Человеколюбче.
Величаемъ Тя, Живодавче Христе, и чтемъ Пречистую Матерь Твою, Еюже по закону нынѣ принеслся еси въ храмъ Господень.
Troparion, tone 1:
Hail, O Mother of God, Virgin full of grace: for from Thee has shone forth the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, giving light to those in darkness. Be glad also, thou righteous Elder, for thou hast received in thine arms the Deliverer of our souls, who bestows upon us resurrection.
Kontakion, tone 1:
Thou who hast sanctified by Thy birth a virgin womb and fittingly blessed the hands of Simeon, Thou art come, O Christ our God, and on this day hast saved us. Give peace to Thy commonwealth in time of battle and strengthen the Orthodox people whom Thou hast loved, O Thou who alone lovest mankind.
We magnify Thee, O Christ the Giver of life, and we honour Thy most-pure Mother, by Whom Thou now art brought in accordance with the Law into the Temple of the Lord.
Здѣсь на иконѣ изображены: Св. Iосифъ Обручникъ, Пресвятая Богородица, Младенецъ Iисусъ Христосъ, святый старецъ Симеонъ Богопрiимецъ и святая пророчица Анна.