On Skirts

Jul 04, 2008 03:29

http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=269213&c=1 - if it weren't for the skirt I'd say this would be good for an Ara outfit
Guys. I can't get my Pokemon OC idea out of my head. ._.
Do it Matty.
Well, it's more an itch rather than a fully developed idea.
Yeeeah, the skirt's definately a no.
Ara doesn't do skirts. XD
People who fly usually don't. XD
... ahahaha. Yahoo Sports has a sense of humor.
There is a player in the NHL whose name is Miroslav Satan.
His player ID?
Flying? With a /skirt/? Are you fucking insane, or do you /want/ the city to know what color panties you grabbed this mornin'?
the otherone I would like - there's a problem,
it's PINK
euw, pink. >.<
Caleb: *mildly* Or if you did.
That too.
there's leggings under the skirt, put still - skirt
*interjection!* And besides, you ever try /fighting/ in one? You'd flash half the people you're fighting in the process >_> Also a point.
Caleb: I believe that is what we call a "tactical diversion".
Okay, Mr. 'Tactical Diversion', /You/ fight a group of thugs in a skirt. *Folds arms.* B|
Caleb: As long as it is not, like, a pencil skirt, I could probably do it. *pause* I could probably do it in a pencil skirt anyway, but that is hardly the point.
Soma: ...Caleb.
Soma: You do not have the legs for a skirt.
Jess: Just wear good underware. We don't need to see your ding-dong.
... And I'm surprised you know what a pencil skirt is right off, an' I don't. That's kinda tellin'.
Caleb: What, the fact that my legs actually have muscles?
Batman: ...I've done it.
Caleb: I think it says that I am more likely to wear one. ¬_¬
Soma: Extremely telling, considering his girlfriend's world does not have that sort of fashion. So I heard metaly
Okay, I think I gotta go to bed. Ish, we should, y'know, discuss what the plan is with the Clinics thread, sometime when Hats is around. (Actually, having discharged his main duty, I dunno if I have much to say for Grif's part; just as long as a plan gets worked out.)
Caleb: In my defense, one of my best friends is Yuuko Ichihara.
Caleb: I think this is a perfectly good justification for knowing what a pencil skirt is.
I honestly haven't come up with much beyond 'Ichimonji Gets Treated', unless Del has some other plans with the injured cyborg guy.
In normal circumstances, he'd be fine in a few days. Y'know, if his body weren't shutting down on him.
Still, out of th' two of us, I'm supposed ta be the girlier one here.
Caleb: Well, you still are.
* Matt imagines that this sort of conversation happens between Caleb and Arabelle all the time XD
I'm lolling
Well, the boobs do help in that regard, dude.
Caleb: See, your breasts and your vagina tend to add to your girliness level. Much more than me knowing about pencil skirts adds to mine.
Makoto: ...Is this just me? Am I the only one who /doesn't/ see a problem with fighting in a skirt?
Caleb: Yes.
Soma: I have to agree with Ara and Caleb here.
Makoto: Usagi, you don't count.
Sophia: I don't!
Usagi: aw. ~*._.*~
Caleb: Well, Selene fights in a dress, but her idea of 'fighting' tends to be 'point at things and make them go boom', so.
Well, who knows, maybe Hats will have some ideas, I dunno. I'm just saying, there should be discussion. But not now, because I need sleep.
Yeah. But you're a ~*MAGICAL GIRL*~ Yeah.
See ya, then.
night, Slarti
Good night.
Caleb: Also, the fact that she does not wear a bra is probably *way* more distracting.
Sophia: But, like -- that goes with the 'hurting people with kitchen implements' thing.
* Slarti (slarti@dm-33162.e-space.gweep.net) has left #basementooc (Leaving)
Makoto: I slam punks through windshields just as often as I blow them off of motorcycles with thunderbolts.
Jess: You are cool.
* Matt , on that note, had to actually look up what a pencil skirt was, to even see if Ara would -know-.

makoto (notinuniform), arabelle kintotech (armedandwinged), fun meta conversations, caleb (truebornbanacek), sophia (hairatenyc), technomancer (magicalgadgetry), jess (greenisnewcool), soma_crucifix

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