Grey loses his mind for a bit. Check the lost and found.

Jan 16, 2009 03:21

Jan 15 02:51:36 * DrGrey enters from the Nexus. He still looks strangely subdued.
Jan 15 02:52:42 * Normie ( has joined #thesanctuary
Jan 15 02:56:17 * Phoenix_Wright is sitting in here, reading. He notes Grey coming in from the corner of his eye and tightens a bit, but tries not to make it obvious.
Jan 15 02:57:27 * Normie ( has quit (Ping timeout)
Jan 15 02:57:44 * DrGrey notes Phoenix as well, though he doesn't really look at him. He makes his way over and sits at the bar. It's empty, tonight. Nothing interesting. He looks tired and a bit aimless. Unsure as to quite what he wants to do right now.
Jan 15 02:58:21 * Phoenix_Wright peers over his book. [Hmm...]
Jan 15 03:00:03 * DrGrey has a general idea of how he might go about gathering new test-subjects without much fear of retribution, but he hasn't put it into play yet. As of now he's just... bored. And a bit down, really. He doesn't seem to notice Phoenix peering at him as he glances over the liquor undecidedly.
Jan 15 03:00:55
[I wonder what happened tonight? *sigh* Of all the people to be alone with.]
Jan 15 03:01:52
[At least Some's not here for him to terrorize tonight.]
Jan 15 03:04:13 * DrGrey finally pours himself something. Oddly enough, he doesn't even look at Phoenix as he settles with his drink. As per usual, he falls into daydream. He needs a way to get rid of Aunamee, really. It's his fault they found the lab... /his/. His grip tightens a little on the glass as he takes a sip.
Jan 15 03:05:10 * Phoenix_Wright gets up to go get a drink. Partly, he's seeing what'll happen if he makes himself more obvious.
Jan 15 03:09:29 * DrGrey 's eyes latch onto Phoenix as he moves. Yet... they're still rather vacant. He's still daydreaming, even as he half-watches the other man. His thoughts have fallen to Some again. To what else he'd of wanted to do... what tests he'd of liked to run... it inevitably turns to opening Some up again. What more he'd like to have /taken/. He wasn't done taking him /apart/.
Jan 15 03:10:29
[What's running through that freakish brain of yours, Grey...]
Jan 15 03:10:39 * Phoenix_Wright gets a beer.
Jan 15 03:12:00 * Notify: Metody is offline (DarkMyst).
Jan 15 03:15:08 * DrGrey grimaces suddenly, paling. His mind is racing now. Not an outright flashback, but fleeting sensations and feelings... anger, bright lights burning his eyes and skin, hopelessness, cold surgical tables... scalples, needles, /fear/. He makes an odd sound, not unlike a choke, and takes a rather large sip if his drink. This is going to be a problem.
Jan 15 03:15:26 of*
Jan 15 03:15:37
Jan 15 03:16:03 scalpels* (I type good at 3 am.)
Jan 15 03:16:09
Something wrong, Grey?
Jan 15 03:17:29 * DrGrey jolts a little, as if Phoenix has startled him. "...Nothing." His eyes harden now. "Nothing."
Jan 15 03:18:08
Of course not.
Jan 15 03:18:18 * DrGrey still has a fine tremble to his hand as he sips his drink again, eyes falling on that basket of candies at the back of the bar.
Jan 15 03:18:23 * Phoenix_Wright shakes his head. [Like I honestly expected to get anything out of him.]
Jan 15 03:19:23 * DrGrey pauses a moment, before getting up and going to retrieve one. Strawberry of course.
Jan 15 03:22:12
[Ah yes, when all else fails, go for drugs.]
Jan 15 03:23:53, how's it feel?
Jan 15 03:25:54 * DrGrey is oblivious to Phoenix's opinion of his Strawberry Candy popping. He unwraps it and places it in his mouth, relaxing almost immediately even before it's begun to work, almost a kind of placebo effect. "....?" He looks at Phoenix. Some of that tenseness returns. "How does what feel?" He'll be sure to ask you that when he's ripping your spine out through your stomach, Phoenix.
Jan 15 03:27:27
You know. The scalpel slicing through your sternum, the bits getting cut out.
Jan 15 03:33:29 * DrGrey .../bites/ into that candy, a flicker behind his eyes. His breath quickens to soft gasps, one hand clumsily moving to grip the bar. "Phoenix..." One moment he's here, the next lying, cold and laid out on his own operating table. His other hand is grasping at his chest now.
Jan 15 03:34:45 * Phoenix_Wright watches him. "The sad thing is, this is the closest you'll ever get to empathy."
Jan 15 03:34:56 * takhys ( has quit (Exit: )
Jan 15 03:38:24 * DrGrey is struggling to keep himself standing, the whole thing flying past at the speed of light until he's dizzy and ill, hand still clutched just under his sternum. He leans against the bar, sweating, eyes cast on the floor, and laughs softly. You're a dead man, Phoenix. Just you wait
Jan 15 03:39:13 * Phoenix_Wright sighs. "Of course, I don't know why I bother. It's like talking to a brick wall."
Jan 15 03:40:42 * DrGrey is still laughing softly, though it sounds a little weak. He swallows the broken pieces of candy, increasingly eager for that high.
Jan 15 03:41:49
Just like every other bastard I ever put behind bars. All for one, and everybody else can sit and spin. Like Dahlia...
Jan 15 03:44:34 * DrGrey pushes himself back away from the bar, stumbling to lean against the shelves behind it. He raises his eyebrows at Phoenix, managing to look a bit smug past pallor and sweat. "Are you going to put me behind bars, Phoenix?" He manages to keep the waver out of his voice. Mostly. Still recovering here. But the grip of that candy is taking him now... stealing away the anxiety, the fear, all of it.
Jan 15 03:44:57 past the*
Jan 15 03:46:22
Grey, if I could have, I would've done it a long time ago. Hell, why do you think I sicced every major law organization on your world on you?
Jan 15 03:48:28 * Snapple is now known as sNAPple
Jan 15 03:48:37 * DrGrey grinnns, that drugged look stealing over his eyes. If it weren't for the nature of the drug, Phoenix wouldn't have gotten a far different reaction to that. Don't remind him. Really. But, no, he's feeling much better than when he came in here, thanks. Everything is fine. He can forget about it all. About losing his files, about being driven mad... All gone.
Jan 15 03:48:46 * Phoenix_Wright looks at his beer. "But of course, here in the Nexus, nothing like that exists. All I can do is turn the other way when some vigilante decides to take that final step with you -- and I'm not even really capable of that."
Jan 15 03:49:24
Not that you'd understand. *tch*
Jan 15 03:52:38 * DrGrey waves a hand. "Not really, no!" He snickers. No, he doesn't get goody two shoes like you. He smiles lazily. "Having that 'final step' taken would require me to rather slip up, wouldn't it?"
Jan 15 03:53:30
Grey, you slip up all the goddamn time. It's only the fact you've got dumbasses like me who can't pull the trigger you're still alive.
Jan 15 03:55:35 "I don't." He watches Phoenix with that same laziness. Too bad he'll be back to being 'down' again when the drug wears off.
Jan 15 03:55:53
You do.
Jan 15 03:56:12
I can think of several times where if some nice person hadn't stepped in, you'd be dead already.
Jan 15 03:56:40 "Name them!" He'll explain them away, see?
Jan 15 03:56:58
You, lying unconscious when Some was ready to eat your face off.
Jan 15 03:57:26
Getting knocked out by Grif -- who, by the way, I'm sure would've been ready to blow your brains out if he didn't think I'd disapprove.
Jan 15 03:57:43
And whatever the hell happened out in the yard the other day.
Jan 15 03:58:40
Okay, granted, the last one I'm not sure of the specifics. But I can't imagine you got away from all those people with brains alone.
Jan 15 03:59:57 * DrGrey seems to be thinking on this. He grins, suddenly. Because Phoenix is right. Huh. He's going to have to be more careful. Ahaha.
Jan 15 04:00:15
Face it, Grey. The only reason you're still alive is other people.
Jan 15 04:00:41 * DrGrey shrugs. "The Nexus is a dangerous place. Grif was it?" He snerks. "A bit of a walking tank, isn't he?"
Jan 15 04:01:03
Yeah, and probably not even the biggest threat around here.
Jan 15 04:02:04 * DrGrey raises an eyebrow at Phoenix. What would you expect him to do? Stop living?
Jan 15 04:03:25
Tch. You and Dahlia. You two would've made a lovely couple. Her always trying to kill you to get money, you looking at her like a science experiment. You're both sociopathic. Except, of course, she's dead. And you're not. Yet.
Jan 15 04:06:07 * DrGrey gives Phoenix a really strange look now. Couple? What? He murmurs something that sounds a lot like 'sucks to be her'. He leans back, shutting his eyes for a moment. Things are so much harder in the Nexus. He knows that if he kills Phoenix, people are going to come down on him. Even worse than they already are. He can't seem to care right now, though.
Jan 15 04:06:52
And there's one other thing she has -- HAD -- in common with you.
Jan 15 04:07:04 * DrGrey peels an eye open to peer at him. Yes?
Jan 15 04:07:48 * Phoenix_Wright finishes his beer. "She also failed to get anywhere in the end because of her inability to care for other people. Good night, Grey."
Jan 15 04:08:12 * Phoenix_Wright discards his bottle and heads into the side rooms.
Jan 15 04:09:09 * DrGrey opens both eyes now, watching Phoenix leave as his mind wanders at those words. Specifically 'failed'. "...Goodnight." He replies to an empty room.
Jan 15 04:09:17 * DrGrey is now known as Darksong

imaoneshot_k, phoenix wright (wright_idea), logs

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