Even Clow is like, "... How do I tell her in a kind and loving way that she needs to get over herself? >_>"
<'Lita> You don't. You do it like a bull through the window of a china shop and the tea shop next door.
Clow: But... she looks up to me.
<'Lita>*Ponders this a moment* Then you do it like a /yak/. *Which is /clearly/ different.*
Clow: .... *facepalm*
<'Lita> ^_^
Clow: -_-;;
<'Lita> But seriously? Try finding a gentle way to remind her that others' problems are much larger. Yourself, for example. You're /dead/.
Clow: ... Yes, I just realized that I can play the "if you miss people from your own world, at least /you/ know that you'll probably go back eventually"
<'Lita> Not to mention the whole city is merely a giant clock ticking down to the end of that particular multiverse.
Clow: /All/ worlds, supposedly.
Clow: ... *may or may not be trying to bring about the end of all worlds. >.>*
<'Lita> ...Clow. Why are you trying to bring about the end of all worlds.
<'Lita>*CAN READ HIM LIKE A BOOK. Even if he ain't hers.*
Clow: o.o ... >.>
<'Lita>*Hands on hips. STERN! Which is kind of funny, since she's shorter than him.*
Clow: Well, you know. Ending the dream and all of that. >.>
<'Lita> Oh, yes. Ending the dream. For /everyone/? Even when Fate has plans for the rest of us? B|
Clow: ... I'm still trying to decide if that's actually something I should be taking an active part in, however.
Clow: Well, that is the part that's giving me pause.
<'Lita> Not even to /mention/ the fact that the multiverse implies /all/ possibilites, including ones where the clock /doesn't/ manage to end /all/ worlds.
<'Lita> It better be. Fate's a right bitch when you rally against her. B|
Clow: ... *might just sulk a bit*
<'Lita>*..Don't sulk at her. You know it's not going to work. Really. /Don't./ .... * .... *Oh god damn it Clow. >.<* ...Damn it, why did you have to /sulk?/ :| *<-That's a less angry face and more 'annoyed' face.
Clow: ... *3* .... *2* .... *1*
Clow: ... *sulking over!* ^^!
<'Lita>*DUCK. ON. CLOW-NOSE.* B|
Clow: fgjdkalfjeoiw >.< *ow!*
<'Lita>*Releases his nose, shaking the duck sternly at him like she's shaking her finger at him* /That/ was for cheating and sulking.
Clow: It's not as if I did it on purpose.
<'Lita> Oh, bull. You knew it'd work.
Clow: But that's not why I did it.
<'Lita> It is too. *Totally mature.*
Clow: 9_9 is not is not is not~
Clow: *even mature-er*
<'Lita> Is /too/ *pokes him in the chest with duck beak.*
Clow: Not~ <3 *kiss on the nose* *... now he IS doing it because he knows it'll work*
How's this for playing the "I'm dead" card?
http://darklilprincess.livejournal.com/11681.html?thread=1011361#t1011361 <'Lita>*blinks when he kisses her on the nose. Mainly because that was something she didn't think would /happen/.* ... Oh that is /so cheating/. You aren't my Clow.
Someone wrote a very eloquent post a while back about how death is change, and Clow has been thinking a LOT about it. So, there's really a lot more "HAY I'M DEAD SHUT UP" in that post than is obvious.
Clow: I'm not anyone's Clow here.
<'Lita>*Ponders this a moment*
<'Lita>*Oh come on, you saw this coming a mile away* /Really/ now.
Clow: ... Although, I think Yuuko has adopted me.