Mar 21, 2009 12:27
So, I have no idea what I'm doing here, mostly I got this account because there are quite a few cool people whose stories I want to keep up with. But I figured its time for me to at least say a few words.
Like, HI!! =]
Um, call me Kena. Everyone does. I'm currently a freshman in college, looking at a Creative Writing degree. School takes up the majority of my time. And if you've heard the Asher Roth song, I Love College, you know what I mean.
I guess I'm mostly here to read some good fanfiction. My favorite fandom right now is Supernatural (though I will always be loyal to my first love, The OC), but I tend to be a quiet reader because fandoms are always quite intimidating. But maybe I'll come out of my shell. Maybe.
Well, I don't know what else to say. Just thought I should say something.
- Kena