Aug 25, 2006 17:19
Last Night was probably one of my best drunken nights EVER. We got prettttty wild. I love us WAY tooo much. :]
Me and Kerry went to her house & got ready. Went to Jamies and met up with their friends. Walked back to the keggger. Got MisssyMil. Played POWER HOUR! 2X the Shots :] & after that whooooo knows. I'm ALLLLL scraped up. Came home with 2 difffff flipflops. Kmoney and Misss basicallly hadda carry me home. I loved it, and i love them. Defff goin back to BTN & gettttin wasted with them again. "YOOOOOO DO YOU KNO MARCUSSS" hahahahahah weiiiirdddd as shiiit. Gangster asss kids, toooooo funnny. Went back to Missssys, passsed out in a bed with KEWWWWY<3
Practice this morning was roughhh, speccciallly cause i couldnt practice with MY GURLLLS<3 i wanna quitt, its gayyyy, i'm sadddd.
Ellen & Bear have work tonight. LOSERS! who works these days seriously? & Megs grounded, so basicallly i have ZERO friends. Callll me :]
++ Annna has 5th lunch ! cannnnn't wait.