One Green Word (Video/ Voice post)

Oct 23, 2008 01:42

[The screen comes on, as the device is kicked, Mjrn is scuffling backwards as she's cornered by creatures]

S-Stay back foul beasts!

[Much like a caged animal, she lashes out when they get too close, frail looking though she is, her claws are not to be taken lightly and they catch one of the zombie hounds in the face. The beast yelps and jumps ( Read more... )

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skybound_love October 23 2008, 13:09:45 UTC
Ah, my mysterious lady! Where are you? what's around you?!

*is currently running out of his apartment like mad*


(Voice) m_j_r_n October 23 2008, 17:24:26 UTC
What is... why is this talking to me?

[Makes a hissing sound at the hounds, scratching at them]

Stay back!

[Has the device in her lap now, and recognizes the voice to be male, so figures it's a hume talking to her]

There is a smell of water near! I... cannot see much else besides these beasts!


Re: (Voice) skybound_love October 23 2008, 18:24:20 UTC
Shit! I'm out of my building and heading for the nearest area of water I know. Tell me if you see me. I'm waving a light over my head and running.


Re: (Voice) m_j_r_n October 23 2008, 18:43:56 UTC
[Finally managed to escape the hounds, hiding in one of the buildings on the docks. Hiding up on some equipment that's since rusted and probably doesn't work anymore so if the hounds come in they can't reach her]

I... I am inside now... there is a large body of water near by...

[Catching her breath]

There are strange large structures in here... I am sorry for not knowing how to explain where I am. I... am not use to being outside my village.


Re: (Voice) skybound_love October 23 2008, 19:02:33 UTC
[Still heading toward the waterline, stopping to listen for a moment to the sounds of the beasts]

Ah, I think you might be in this direction...

[Heads toward her direction, still waving a flashlight]

Do you see me yet? Balthier should also be here any minute.


Re: (Voice) m_j_r_n October 23 2008, 19:08:21 UTC
[Is quiet, glancing out a one of the big windows and sees a light run by]

W-Wait! I just saw something... was that you? A light in the dark?


Re: (Voice) skybound_love October 23 2008, 19:12:26 UTC
[Backs up slightly, banging on things to get the dogs attention]

Do you see? Do you hear? Hold on a moment...

[Sets the light down on it's end to act like a beacon, then draws his sword]

Where are you? Call out.


Re: (Voice) m_j_r_n October 23 2008, 19:29:55 UTC
I hear you!

[calls out, climbing down from the equipment she was hiding on]

I see you!

[Cautious but curious, peers out side the broken window, watching him]

There are many, be careful hume!


Re: (Voice) skybound_love October 23 2008, 19:36:17 UTC
Non, non, my lady! Johnny! Johnny's the name.

[Squints and focuses on her white ears and hair]

Ah, such an exotic and beautiful woman! Johnny's heart is captivated by such a lovely woman! It is my pleasure to help you deal with these creatures. Luckily, these aren't the really bad ones!

[Two dogs leap out at him from the darkness. He slices a fore-paw from the first, then slams his boot into the jaw of the next. After stabbing the first beast a few more times, he threw the bleeding animal toward another group. They began to devour it hungrily]

An old trick. They take any meat they find! I suggest you hurry down!


Re: (Voice) m_j_r_n October 23 2008, 19:58:55 UTC

[repeats his name, and climbs out the window, as it's low enough to do so, then again she's tall enough to do it. Slowly moves up behind him, watching the dogs cannibalize their wounded comrade.]

Thank you... you are kind to come to my aid.

[Ear twitches as she hears a hound coming at them and turns around to bring her leg up in a round house kick. Is more confident in fighting with someone there to help her now. Still is wary... even though humes have helped her before... some have hurt her as well]

These beasts are strange... they smell... not of the living.

[wrinkles her nose, holding her hands up, claws ready to slice at the hounds if needed]


Re: (Voice) skybound_love October 23 2008, 20:09:51 UTC
A true man would be remiss to leave a woman in dire straits. Especially one with so beautiful a face.

It's hard to say what they are, really. These aren't the worst, either. Probably side-effects of whatever turned this world into a wasteland.

[Slices through several, then turns to her]

Let's go! Grab the light and stay by my side! Balthier should meet us along the way!

[Points toward the lights of Latimir]

Head that way with the light. Shine it at them if they start to crowd, they don't like light. I'll bring up the rear. Once we get within a certain distance, they'll retreat.


Re: (Voice) m_j_r_n October 23 2008, 21:43:55 UTC
You are a hume of great flattery, Johnny. I understand that my race is beautiful, you need not tell me so much.

[Takes the light and nods]

I can do that. Let us go then.

[Looks towards Latimir]

I hope you are truthful. I would dislike to have these beasts follow us for too long.

[starts off, light in hand, meaning to use it as directed. Would be interested in it's mechanics, perhaps later when not being chased by zombie dogs]


Re: (Voice) skybound_love October 23 2008, 22:12:05 UTC
It is habit, my lady. When a vision of beauty enters my eye, I cannot keep the words from spilling out.

[The animals slowly drop off as the enter the bounds of the inhabitable zone]

Ah, much better! Just a bit further! So, you're from Balthier and Ashe's world?


Re: (Voice) m_j_r_n October 24 2008, 00:12:44 UTC
I've heard stories of how easy hume males speak of women. I guess they were not so far from the truth.

[Amused, though sounds more relieved at not being trailed by the hounds anymore. Looks back, shinning the flashlight back the way they'd come. She'd remember not to go there again.]

Balthier, I know his name. He is the hume male who travels with my sister... do you know if a Viera named Fran is here? She... would look a lot like myself.

[turns to Johnny, hope in her eyes. Since Balthier is here she can only assume that her sister would be as well.]

... you asked if I was from their world. What do you mean? Is this not Ivalice?


Re: (Voice) skybound_love October 24 2008, 00:35:50 UTC
You don't seem a lot of humans, I take it? Why is that?

Ah...Well. No, I can't say that. Sorry. Much as I would love to bring a bit of joy to your harrowing arrival, I can't say she's here.

[Laughs lightly as they come to the steps of the Latimir building]

Nowhere near it, I'm afraid! None of us are from this world, we have our own. I'm from Earth.


Re: (Voice) m_j_r_n October 24 2008, 00:50:45 UTC
No. Humes do not live in our village. Us Viera... are a very secluded race. We live in The Wood, away from the rest of Ivalice. There are few of us that leave The Wood's embrace and go to be with the humes... but... we are shunned from our village if we do so.

[Walking with him as she explains, pauses a little in her step hearing Fran isn't here, but then keeps up with him again]

It's not your fault... but thank you for telling me. I had asked Balthier, but he avoided the subject. I felt perhaps this was why.

[Looks confused]

Another world? How is that possible? As much as I would not know the difference if this was Ivalice or not... I... I cannot hear the Green Word. I have not left the village of my own free will... nor been gone for too long.

[Looks a little frightened at the prospect of what she's realized]

This... cannot be. I should be able to... but there is nothing. Like my ears have become deaf to it...

So then... this really is another world?


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