A few ficlets from Mini Challenge 2

May 24, 2011 18:39

Here are the two little ficlets I did for the 2nd Mini challenge over at ag-fics. They all feature the Arthyr & Gwen pairing, Merlin and Gwaine.

Comments and feedback are ♥! *puppydogeyes* I'm fairly new at fic writing and I really would love some feedback because I would love to know what readers think. I would hate to write something and no one be reading it.

Am I just like you - G - Humour / Family

"My lord, my lady, you must come quickly!" Sarah shouts while running frantically into Arthur and Gwen’s chambers, without so much as a knock.

Arthur groans, while Gwen manages to pulls herself away from him and look composed, though she was sitting across Arthur’s lap.

"What is the matter?" Gwen asks, looking slightly concerned.

"It’s Ahmar, my lady. You must come quickly!"


"Oh my god!" both Arthur and Gwen mutter, staring at the ceiling, shocked.

Their five month old son is flying in the air, giggling and kicking his little feet like he is having the time of his life.

"Merlin! Put him down!" Gwen tells him, looking quite stern.

"It’s not me" Merlin points out.

"Well, who else is it?" Arthur asks, and then it dawns on them.

"Don’t tell me he’s like you!" Arthur teases, causing them all to do nothing else but laugh.


Best Laid Plans - G - Humour

It seemed like a good idea to begin with. But like many other times when Arthur has had a good idea, it wasn’t going according to plan.

“Arrrh…how much salt did you add to this?” Gwaine manages to ask after splitting out a mouthful of overcooked and salted chicken.

“A pinch like you said.” Arthur starts to look slightly defeated but tries not to. He doesn’t want Gwaine to think he is nervous that in a few days time he is going to ask Gwen the question he has been dying to ask her ever since he spent some of his best days of his life at her house.

“Well I’m not exactly sure you put in a pinch of salt. More like a handful.”

Gwaine is unable to contain himself any longer.

Arthur now knew that asking Gwaine to teach him how to cook was just another one.


character: merlin, character: oc, pairing: arthur/gwen/merlin, character: gwaine, fic: drabble, fandom: merlin

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