beauty is only an idea. it's all a matter of opinion.

Apr 19, 2005 16:44

here are some of the pictures from washington!! mad props to my connie!!!

my girlies by the lake atmt. vernon!! okay, this is ((from left)) lindsay, shelby, connie, me, nicole, and ammerah((spl?)) on the bottom

 um, this is austin hehe =P

 uh, this is steven..;)

i thought this was the CUTEST picture of lindsay and shelby!! haha i love my girls!!

this is lindsay and her boyfriend drew. that is LINDSAY'S pink hat that everyone's wearing in these pictures! just so you know! and philip...=D

jacob and lindsay's famous pink hat.

okay, we were DEFINANTLY at the toy store. i know i look hott, no need to tell me. ;)

 gah, that picture makes me so sad.

these are ALL my babies!!!! shelby, nicole, heather, connie, sherman, sarah, sadie, coop, me and chels.

 that's actually a great
action shot. i love jacob to death!

cooper on the "big knee" =P

let's see! that's:: super sherman, wild wong, and crazy collins!! eek i love ya'll!

me, shelbs, lindsay alysse, and erica nicole!

philip and phillip.

this would be a great picture of connie and nicole if philip the dingle-berry hadn't have stuck his twerpy self in it!

asher "falling into" the lake =)

philip, me, connie, and...nicole?

that picture will never stop making me laugh.

they are SOOOOOO many more!! including the "sexy picture" of me and connie!!

i love ya'll so much!
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