Here’s a
Secular Alternative to the Ten CommandmentsLex Bayer and John Figdor (Time Magazine, Dec. 21, 2014)
“Pics or it didn’t happen,” the mantra of the Snapchat generation, is a simple but profound reflection of how we think.
The fact that the authors consider this to be a "profound reflection" bodes ill for how the authors think. There are no "pics" for a great many things, including the rest of their article, so they appear willing not only to toss out most of history but also to overlook such things as Photoshop. There are not many "pics" of Hannibal and his elephants; but otoh a local restaurant had "pics" on its walls of white-bearded farmers standing beside ears of corn as tall as they or pumpkins the size of a farm wagon. That is:
- No "pics" but it did happen; and
- "Pics" but it did not happen.
What the slogan does reflect is our tendency to demand evidence only for that of which we are personally incredulous.
So here are the Ten Secular Commandments, as detailed in Time, formerly a news magazine.
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