Mar 06, 2010 12:46
O my dear Wife, said he, and you the Children of my bowels, I your dear friend am in my self undone, by reason of a burden that lieth hard upon me: moreover, I am for certain informed, that this our City will be burned with fire from Heaven, in which fearful overthrow, both my self, with thee, my Wife, and you my sweet babes, shall miserably come to ruine; except (the which, yet I see not) some way of escape can be found, whereby we may be delivered. At this his Relations were sore amazed; not for that they believed, that what he had said to them was true, but because they thought, that some frenzy distemper had got into his head: therefore, it drawing towards night, and they hoping that sleep might settle his brains, with all hast they got him to bed; but the night was as troublesome to him as the day: wherefore instead of sleeping, he spent it in sighs and tears.
--John Bunyan, "Pilgrim's Progress"
This month I have begun the draft of my thesis proposal. Even without any superhuman efforts on my part, I think it is inevitable that it will be finished at some point. Other than that, research continues. Results so far are equivocal, but might be improved if I am fortunate. Also, I (and most of my labmates) plan to go to the NESCAI student conference in April.
I have still not bought tickets to go home at Passover, but still plan to. This will be about the 19th through the 23rd, so if you plan to be in MD at that time, let me know.
Otherwise, the last month was for the most part uneventful, and the next one promises to be the same (though with slightly improved weather). Therefore I will cut this short.