The city may be in a state of silence, but one should never let their guard down. For in the streets, in the buildings, anywhere you go, the threat of The Loss is ever present.
Not only The Loss, but many other creatures too, some you may even be familiar with yourself...
Here is an archived list of the monsters found in the city and a description of each. More categories and monsters will be added as they are discovered. If you have any suggestions, this is the place to give them! Want a monster from your character's canon to pop up? Give a description and an explanation as to why, and we'll see what we can do.
The Loss
The Loss are monsters created by MEMORIA using data she has gathered from living creatures; in other words, their memories. These are physical manifestations of memories, some may even be your own. Each one acts differently and exists for a different purpose, and most are directly hostile toward the player.
Loss of Skill
These humanoid, faceless creatures are each remnants of a different skill someone has forgotten, and each varies in appearance to resemble this. Perhaps one proficient in swordmanship will have blades for hands, or one who has the ability of pyrokenisis will constantly be aflame. They are dangerous, but many have a weakness. Perhaps you will even know what it is! They serve the role of patrollers, off to punish those doing what MEMORIA considers to be 'wrong'.
These Loss are very abundant, and are some of the most commonly seen around the city. They are commonly seen in the fitness center, as well.
Loss of Knowledge
Playable by Mods only, please contact a mod if you'd like to use one.
These Loss have enlarged craniums, tentacles for hands, and one enlarged eye in the center of their face. They communicate to one another using their telekinetic abilities and are believed to be the ones doing all the mysterious work around the city.
They tend to avoid direct contact with players, as they are physically weak and can not put up a fight. However, if confronted they will use their powers to tap directly into a player's mind, forcing them to remember something they wish they had not, or something they had repressed. If not that, then they try to transmit the allusion that a player is pit against their greatest fear. If not snapped out of it a player could potentially end up in a catatonic state, or be driven mad, constantly chased by a nightmare that doesn't exist.
That said, it is best to leave Loss of Knowledge to their business; they'll often flee if a player gets too close anyway. They are found anyplace information can be gathered, but their favorite location is the Library.
Loss of Love
With a drop dead figure, long, slender fingers and lush, pouty lips, the Loss of Love are manifestations of the memories of family, friends, and lovers long forgotten. Their laughter is alluring and...sometimes familiar. Their role in the city is unknown; they tend to go where they please, when they please.
It is advised that one takes out one of these Loss as quickly as possible. Their ability is to manipulate the mind into thinking they are what the player desires most, more often than not a forgotten or lost lover, or a person the player would find physically irresistible. The player may find themselves getting jealous of anyone close by or defensive of the Loss, trying to fend off anyone who would keep them from the thing they love most.
These Loss don't have any place they particularly frequent, but are very commonplace. If one chooses to make contact with them, their actions must be swift. However, those who desire nothing or hold nothing precious may potentially be immune to their power.
Loss of Self
Playable by Mods only, please contact a mod if you'd like to use one.
These Loss are enormous, bulking beasts, seemingly made out of charcoal, with huge, bulking, handless and footless stubs. On their faces and in their chests, one can see a strong, bright orange light, surrounded by heated stone. They are the only Loss capable of coherent speech (telepathy-prone and laughing Loss excluded). They serve as guardians of the city, perhaps to prevent players from leaving.
Loss of Self are the most powerful Loss, able to easily crush anyone who dare face them. Their bodies are constantly hot, so physical contact will be difficult to most, and they seem to be surrounded by an unbreakable shell. They move very slowly compared to other loss, but make up for it with their immense, inhuman power.
When one encounters this Loss, as rare as it may be, it is advised that they run. Fast. Taking them on is foolish; Loss of Self are likely to be the leading cause of death among players. Luckily, their appearance is rare, even in places they're said to frequent. Why are they so strong? Perhaps it has something to do with what they represent...
Loss of Humanity
What appear to be tiny, delicate, colorful butterflies, are actually a form of Loss. They are the least threatening of Loss, and ones not really worth taking on. These Loss are the remnants of emotions former residents of the city forgot how to feel.
Touching or pursuing one, though harmless, is still a bad idea. If one lands on a player's skin, it absorbs itself into their bloodstream, forcing them to feel an intense emotion. Be it happiness, anger, sadness, or more dangerous ones. Their lifespans are short; they fade from the bloodstream a mere 24 hours after being absorbed and their influence is then gone.
The most common place to find Loss of Humanity is in the park, though they can sometimes be seen flying all over the city, especially places where plant life is present. Below is a list of known-about Loss of Humanity and what each one does to a player:
⇒ Red - The subject will experience deep feelings of anger.
⇒ Blue - The subject will experience deep feelings of sadness.
⇒ Yellow - The subject will experience deep feelings of joy.
⇒ Pink - The subject will experience deep feelings of passion.
⇒ Green - The subject will experience deep feelings of greed/wanting.
⇒ Orange - The subject will experience deep feelings of hunger.
⇒ Grey - The subject will experience deep feelings of emptiness.
⇒ Black - The subject will experience deep feelings of despair.
⇒ Brown - The subject will experience deep feelings of stress.
There are many other types of Loss of Humanity, however these are the only ones we've managed to study and archive. If a player discovers one and learns of its purpose, please make note of it down below so that we may add it to the list.
The Outsiders
Outsiders are monsters from a foreign world. If you happen to find an outsider, make a note of it down below.
The following outsiders are only located in and near the factory, currently.
Closers-(Silent Hill 3) Lumbering, extremely large-armed creature that attacks using concealed blades that extend out of each end of their arms. The lower portion of the body looks more like a female with a mini skirt, with what appears to be high heels lacking the actual "heels" for feet. In the second half of the game, the Closers become significantly more dangerous and if the player gets too close in an attempt to attack them, they will defend themselves by swinging their arms slowly, knocking you back.
The Closers Although somewhat terrifying in appearance, the Closers are killed with relative ease, and can be outrun. Expect them to travel in groups of 2 and 3.
Vampires(30 Days of Night Canon)- Certainly not your sissy sparkling vampire breed, or even the rockstar hottie variety, these are not vampires you want to run into at night. Or anytime, really. The vampires speak in an ancient, language, and are extremely powerful. Unless they are shot in the head, bullets are useless against them. They have super human speed and strength, and are humanoid really only in their shape, and ability to plan and speak with one another. They are smart, and deadly, and share much more in common with your typical “fast” zombie, than most other breeds of vampire. They do not show mercy, and they will at times maul a human, and then allow them to run away only to draw in more pray. If their anticipated pray does not fall for this trick, they will violently rip the initial pray to shreds, and feast. In short, these vampires are incredibly violent, and incredibly hungry. They will NOT converse with you, just kill.
Vampires There are very few of these remaining in the city. Note, no one attacked will become a vampire. If bitten enough, they will just become dead.
Slashers-(Dead Space) Their speed is quite variable. While stalking you, they step slowly and deliberately. Upon attacking, they break into a dash and can close the distance fairly quickly. Their attack pattern is simple and easily dealt with. While heading to your position, they will keep quiet (as quiet as they can be, anyway). When you get within range, they roar and break into a dash-and-jump attack, which covers a lot of ground in a running leap. In close-range, they simply rely on their blades, and swing away at every opportunity they get. If one of them gets close enough, they may initiate a grappling sequence in which they will try to gnaw off your head.
The easiest way to deal with one is to lop off his legs using a precision weapon. After his legs are gone, he'll be reduced to a crawl (literally). While he's clawing himself towards you, just take off one of his arms, and that should be the end of him. Stomping is also a good alternative.
Slashers These are more difficult to deal with than Closers, but like Closers, can be outrun (though they are much faster than Closers, and outrunning them will be more difficult).
Bat-Dogs-(Coraline) These mutant Scottish Terriers are much more annoying than they are dangerous, but do have the ability to catch victims off guard. For the most part they will simply sleep. On the light posts, the buildings, possibly even the houses on Reverie Lane. If they are not bothered, they will not bother you. However, if you happen to flash a light of some kind in their direction, expect to have some angry Bat-Dogs on your hands. They may not be as frightening as some of the other creatures here, but they can still pack a mean bite.
Bat-Dogs The Avoided
The avoided are creatures so powerful, it is advised to stay away from them at all cost. These can be Loss, or powerful outsiders.
Some may consider Loss of Self an Avoided, but due to its slight abundance and potential vulnerability, it remains in the Loss list.
Not technically a monster, but MEMORIA should still be avoided. The full extent of her power is unknown, and even her appearance is a mystery to all but the Loss, however she is somewhat of an untouchable maiden in this city. Though she never comes to the outside city directly, she seems to be omnipresent, always knowing what's going on. She also has complete and total control over all of the Loss in the city.
Those who dare to take her on are foolish indeed. Not that it is possible; no one knows where she is.