If I don't blog, I'm going to vent over cheesecake.

Jan 13, 2009 22:13

So, here's my day today:

It starts out with weird dreams.  You know - the kind in which you have such strong emotions that you can't help feeling them when you wake up?  That's what I had.  I was dreaming about M. (the love of my life).  He was doing something apparently careless when he broke something of mine.  Apparently, I had these three priceless root beer bottles (I don't know?) and he accidentally broke one.  When I got upset about it, he picked up one of the remaining bottles and smashed it against the third.  Now all three are broken and I'm outraged.

Then I wake up.  All should be okay with the world but there are about 3 to 5 inches of snow outside, which has been whipped around bu 20-30mph winds causes plenty of drifts out here in rural-land.  M. being the wonderful and caring man that he is will be going outside to make sure the driveway is cleared and my car will start.  That means:  he doesn't stay in bed for the requisite 10 minutes of cuddle time that start my day better than a triple grande non-fat vanilla latte.  Now I'm annoyed because of my dream and gloomy because of no-cuddles.

I try to keep this to myself because in all reality I think I'm just premenstrual and there's no reason to upset the man who's outside freezing his.. ehem .. well - ears off.  We are wonderfully connected though so he picks up on my moodiness, I fill him in, he inevitably gets upset because he's not making me happy and I leave with nothing more than a banana for my day's sustenance.  Also - we're barely talking.

During the 15 minute drive to work I determine that I have no time to stop for breakfast, my iPod is completely drained of battery power and I can't seem to keep my toes warm and my window defrosted at the same time.  So I plunk in a Michael Buble CD (which always cheers me up) eat the Rice Krispy bar I found in my lunch bag from yesterday and think the day's going to be just fine.

KERTHUNK.... *skip in MB's lovely voice* CUSSHHHHHHSHHHHHH

These things didn't sound right to me either.  So I pulled over to find.  Oh yes, OF COURSE, a flat tire.  And what's the temp? Around -1.  So I call M.  Being the wonderful man that he is he comes to get me, takes me to work, makes my appointment with the tire place, puts the spare on my car, picks me up, drives me to my car, follows me to the tire place, takes me back to work.  And me?  I bought lunch.

Honestly, the day got better.  I realized how fortunate I am to have a man willing to help me out this way.  He sacrificed a lot of his own time and schedule and work to take care of me today.  He still managed to take care of his cattle, watch his daughter play basketball and get a respectable amount of  work done in his 9-5 job.  Tonight I realized that he was having a bad day too, so I tried to return the favor.  I'm not sure a tuna salad sandwich (hey, it's one of his faves), a cup of Candy Cane Cocoa and a little cuddling to the sounds of Chris Botti before tucking M. into bed quite level the playing field.  But it sure helped.


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