Hot/Dull Lifestyle Tip/Old Computer for grabs

Oct 06, 2007 14:27

People, if you are bemoaning the icky orange weird bacteria -or-whatever scunge that starts to grow on your shower curtain liner: wash it! I've always done this, but I told someone, and they said they though you couldn't wash plastic. Au contraire! Just wad the darned thing up and stuff it in the washer with a few towels (I do my white bath stuff so I can glug in some bleach), set it on large, blork in some laundry detergent and let 'er rip. I just hung it back up to dry and I feel like a new woman.

Extra-boring tip for those with even more time/compulsion: I threw the white plastic curtain rings in the dish washer because they had faint rust stains on them.

I have an iMac that I no longer use. It has OSX on it (not sure which version), and is fine, just too old for me. Anybody want it (free)? (Local, I'm guessing, because I don't have any money with which to ship it.)
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