Публикации в печати за десять лет, 2006-2015

Feb 04, 2016 13:35

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2006) Posttrauma: diagnostics and therapy. SPb, Rech, 248 pp.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2009 ) Myths of Psychotherapy and their Marketing // Psychoterapy. № 8 (80). P. 26-30

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2010) Advanced Trends in Psychodiagnostics on the Rorschach // Psychotherapy. № 8 (78). P. 16-25.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2010) On Studies into Malajustment in Modern Foreign Social Psychology // Social-Psychological Rehabilitation of Maladjustment Children: Comprehension and Relationships Shaping. Ekaterinburg, 216 pp. - P. 29-33.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V., Zholubovskaya M.M. (2010) Foreign Studies into Maladjusted Children and Adolescents // Social-Psychological Rehabilitation of Maladjustment Children: Comprehension and Relationships Shaping. Ekaterinburg, 216 pp. - P. 37-41.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V., Pavlova T.V. (2010) On Coping Strategies Studies and their Role in Adaptation Process // Social-Psychological Rehabilitation of Maladjustment Children: Comprehension and Relationships Shaping. Ekaterinburg, 216 pp. - P. 50-54.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V., Romanova I. E. (2010) On Latent Causes of Maladjustment to Schooling // Social-Psychological Rehabilitation of Maladjustment Children: Comprehension and Relationships Shaping. Ekaterinburg, 216 pp. - P. 65-69.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V., Doron'kina N.A. (2010) Methods of Study and Diagnostics of Attachment and their Implications for Maladjusted Children Rehabilitation // Social-Psychological Rehabilitation of Maladjustment Children: Comprehension and Relationships Shaping. Ekaterinburg, 216 pp. - P. 83-89.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V., Nikolaeva E.Y. (2010) Anti-Social Behavior as Manifestation of Social and Psychological Maladjustment of Minors // Social-Psychological Rehabilitation of Maladjustment Children: Comprehension and Relationships Shaping. Ekaterinburg, 216 pp. - P. 115-119.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2011) Finding the Dynamic Focus of Eating Disorder // Psychotherapy. № 2 (98). P. 22-30.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V., Krasnoshtein E.A. (2011) Group Psychotherapy Online: Phenomena, Dynamics, Group Process Management // Psychotherapy. № 5 (101). P. 73-78.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V., Romanova I. E. (2011) Positive Reinforcement of a Schoolboy / Girl as Foundation of His / Her Success and Psychologycal Security in the Course of Study // Security in the Modern World: Social and Psychological Aspects. Moscow - Ekaterinburg, 2011. 321 pp.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2012) Anger, Shame and Guilt in PTSD Treatment // Psychotherapy. № 1 (109). P. 50-52.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2012) Meaning of Traumatic Experience // Psychotherapy. № 2 (110). P. 55-56.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2012) Intangibility of Knowing // Psychotherapy. № 3 (111). P. 55-56.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2012) Types of Psychologists // Psychotherapy. № 4 (112). P. 67-70.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2013) Meaning of Traumatic Experience // Psychotherapy. № 3 (123). P. 23-25.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2013) Trauma and Dissociation // Psychotherapy. № 4 (124). P. 44-46.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2014) Psychologists in Untilled Legal Field // Psychotherapy. № 2 (134). p. 2-5.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2014) Psychodiagnostics and existence // Concept. - 2014. - Modern science research. Issue 2.  - ART 54461. - URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2014/54461.htm. - State reg. No FS 77-49965. - ISSN 2304-120X. (date of request: 07.04.2015)

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2014) Home truth about attachment. Part 1. // Psychotherapy. № 1 (133). P. 28-31.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2014) Home truth about attachment. Part 2. // Psychotherapy. № 4 (136). P. 20-25.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2014) Home truth about attachment. Introduction to the problem // Theory and practice of psychotherapy. № 1. Р. 8-11.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2014) Home truth about attachment. Holding therapy // Theory and practice of psychotherapy. № 2. Р. 12-18.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Home truth about attachment. Methods for assessment of adults' attachment // Theory and practice of psychotherapy. № 1 (5). Р. 39-33.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Home truth about attachment. Methods for assessment of adults' attachment. Part 1 // Theory and practice of psychotherapy. № 1 (5). Р. 39-33.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Home truth about attachment. Methods for assessment of adults' attachment. Part 2 // Theory and practice of psychotherapy. № 4 (8). Р. 18-22.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Home truth about attachment. Methods for assessment of adults' attachment. Conclusion // Theory and practice of psychotherapy. № 7 (11). Р. 25-33.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Psychological e-volunteering among Russian speakers // UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 10th World Conference on Bioethics (on January 6-8 in Jerusalem, Israel), Medical Ethics and Health Law, Book of Abstracts. P.89.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Three ways to remembering "sites of memory" // Theory and practice of psychotherapy. № 3 (7). Р. 20-30.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) The modern tendencies in the world of psychology // Modern European Researches Journal, Issiue 2. P.19-25.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Psychodynamic approach to teaching medical students about the bioethics // Bioethics. № 1(15). P. 30-34.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) The role of psychology in an ideological confrontation // Psychological security of person in extreme conditions and crisis situation: collected articles V International scientific and practical conference . - Vladivostok: Publishing house of the Maritime State University named Admiral G. Nevelskoy, 2015. 596 p. - pp. 31-34.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Establishing conceptual validity for the types of attachment // Psychopathology and addictive medicine. N 1 (1). September 2015, p. 33-59. Full text is available online http://pam-rus.ruspsy.net/article.php?post=559

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Teaching for ethical reasoning: new tool from psychodynamic approach // UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 11th World Conference on Bioethics (on October 20-22 in Naples, Italy), Medical Ethics and Health Law, Book of Abstracts.

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) The problem of choice in the 'conflicting loyalties' situation // Human choice in the modern world: challenges, opportunities, solutions. Proceedings of the scientific conference on October 27-28, 2015 Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Science (Moscow, Russia) in 3 volumes. - Moscow: Nauchnaya mysl, 2015. - V. 3. - p. 108-121.
Also published as online presentation http://www.slideshare.net/OlgaBermantPolyakova/2015-54327313

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