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Comments 3

m_d_n February 25 2023, 18:19:15 UTC

is psychodynamic psychological treatment for PTSD the most effective?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether psychodynamic psychological treatment is the most effective for PTSD because different treatments may work better for different people depending on their individual needs and circumstances.

Psychodynamic therapy is a form of talk therapy that focuses on exploring unconscious thoughts and feelings to gain insight into how past experiences may be impacting present-day behaviors and emotions. While psychodynamic therapy can be helpful for some individuals with PTSD, there is currently limited research to support its efficacy as a standalone treatment for PTSD.

According to the American Psychological Association's Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of PTSD, the most effective treatments for PTSD are trauma-focused psychotherapies, such as cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and prolonged exposure (PE) therapy. These therapies are designed to help individuals confront and process traumatic memories ( ... )


m_d_n February 25 2023, 18:20:25 UTC

А вот что он знает про сондиану:

what is szondiana?

"Szondiana" refers to the personality theory and therapeutic approach developed by the Hungarian psychoanalyst Leopold Szondi. The theory is based on the idea that personality is shaped by the interactions between different drives and impulses, as well as the influence of environmental and cultural factors.

The main concept in Szondi's theory is the "drives matrix," which consists of eight drives or impulses that are arranged in a circular pattern. The drives include the following:
  1. Eros: the drive for life, love, and connection
  2. Thanatos: the drive for death, aggression, and destruction
  3. Narcissism: the drive for self-love and self-esteem
  4. Power: the drive for control and dominance
  5. Knowledge: the drive for understanding and exploration


m_d_n February 25 2023, 18:21:21 UTC

Who is Olga Bermant-Polyakov?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information about an individual named Olga Bermant-Polyakov. It's possible that the name is misspelled or incomplete, or that this person is not well-known enough to have a significant online presence. If you have any additional information or context about who this person might be, I would be happy to try to assist you further.


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