[MGW] August: Recognition

Sep 01, 2007 22:44

I don't like lettin' people get around me during the full moon. It ain't really a control thing anymore: I got those instincts tucked in. Naw, it's more of a pride thing. Goin' wolf ain't pretty and it ain't fun. It hurts. It hurts like a son of a bitch, and it's ugly. I'm ugly. Nothing but claws and fur and Gramma, what big teeth you have. It ain't something I wanna share with nobody.

I started lettin' Bee hang around me because she damn near got killed by another wolf one night. First one she'd ever met, 'sides me, and he ripped into her but good. I thought Callahan was gonna fuckin' kill me when he saw her...slayers can heal an' all, but they can still die. Thought o'losin' Bee freaked me out...so I started lettin' her train with me a lil' while I shifted. She needed to know how to fight my kind in that form, it ever happened again.

The Freckles found out 'bout that, and had a thing or two to say about it. After she kicked me down the stairs, o'course. She didn't much like me tellin' her she couldn't stick around when I not only let Bee, but I let her fight me. So after she got done whoopin' my ass, she parked her own right there in front of me and told me she weren't movin' for the rest of the night.

Scared the shit outta me, cause I knew I couldn't get her outta there in time. I was about to change, see...and it didn't matter that I'd changed 'round Bee a blue dozen times. This was Kiki. If I did somethin' to her...she couldn't defend herself, like Bee could.

And as much as Bee means to me? Kiki's a whole different category. You know what I mean.

But you know what happened? Nothing. Not a damn thing.

Except that I figgered out she loves me. She has to. No other way she could see me like that and still want to make love to me when the mornin' come.

And what's more? I knew her, while I was shifted. Recognized her on a level I never recognized Bee before...I knew her scent and her voice and just the feel of her presence...and it hurt less. Being that way was easier when she was around...just knowing she was there, knowing she loved me.

So she stays with me...every full moon.

I reckon she's good an' stuck with me now. Anybody who could see me like that, an' still want to stick around...well. That there? Is a keeper.

Muse: Max Carter
Fandom: BtVS (OC)
Word Count: 425

muses gone wild

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