Aftermath (Valentine's Day fallout)

Feb 14, 2012 23:00

A/N: A short bit


"In hindsight, maybe we should have made plans for Valentine's Day."

Ida rolled her eyes as she grabbed a pillow back from Mark. "You honestly think that would have happened---what with the girls' parent-teacher conference, Dan having a game, and taking care of Neil around the clock? Not to mention work---"

Mark stopped her complaints with a kiss. "When there's a will, there's a way."  He glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. "It's only eleven pm. We still have an hour left."

Ida sighed before tossing over Mark's share of the covers. "Yeah, well, we've had a very long day." She smoothed down the blanket she still had on her side of the bed. "But at least we're both still awake and talking, right?"

"Sounds fair enough," Mark said. "Maybe next year?"

"Why wait for next year?" Ida said dryly. She leaned over to turn off the bedside lamp. "Happy Valentine's Day, Mark."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Ids."

mark, isadora, romance, valentine's day

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