huzzah! and some [9] wallpapers

May 05, 2010 20:32

I have some things I want to talk about!

1. New layout
I didn't make it (because coding LJ layouts looks like a nightmare) but I have to say, this layout is freakin awesome. Sure, I dont know how to put in a header image but the CSS is so awesome that it makes up for the lack of sexy banners. Thank you minty_peach !

2. 55 wachters!
That's right~ I checked today and I had 55 watchers. Maybe that's a small number, but that's really good considering I only post to hetalia and hetaliagraphics and ocassionally russiamerica. Thanks everyone!

3.Upcoming graphics
I'm planning to make some more profile codes, only this time strictly style and no cute images. Yeah, bummer. But I can't be assed to make profile images right now. xP

Or rather, suggestions! If you want to see a certain Hetalia character appear in one of my wallpapers, just add the who in your comment somewhere and I'll most likely put in a wallpaper for you next time I post them.

As requested by euphoria_anger :D

The stamp up in the corner is an actual Stamp Act time period styled stamp xP

axis powers hetalia, *graphics-wallpapers

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