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italia_pasta April 26 2010, 03:41:51 UTC
These are lovely! ^_^ I'm using the Italy Bang, Bang one. I'm curious as to why there's a huge gap between Italy's body. ^^; I'm not complaining. Just wondering. ^^


awfullybad April 26 2010, 10:41:04 UTC
I think it's because you have too much text. I don't exactly know how to create a scrollable area of text (I can't find a good tutorial ;w;) so as of now, some of these profiles layouts can only handle a certain amount of text.

I think Italy is the only one that does that. D: Sorry about that. I'm going to look at scrolling area tutorials today and if I can figure it out, I'll let you know. =3


yaoi_queen April 26 2010, 10:43:56 UTC
No prob! Thanks for telling me. ^^ I kinda assumed that anyway. :)


awfullybad April 26 2010, 10:51:44 UTC
Okay, I think I have a solution. When you type, put your information between a < textarea > text < / textarea> (without the spaces obviously).I really have to run off to school now but later I'll help you if don't know how to make the textarea wider or taller.


yaoi_queen April 26 2010, 10:53:47 UTC
Thank you so much! ^_^ I'll try this out when I wake up later. Heh, while you go to school, I'm way past the time when I should be in bed. =P


awfullybad April 29 2010, 19:11:27 UTC
Hey there! I saw that you were interested in using the Italian Spirit or Bang Bang or Russia/America profile layout I made and I thought you'd like to know that I've re-coded it to make it so you can fit much more words into the profile without it messing the image up~ The new code is posted where the old code was.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy~


italia_pasta April 30 2010, 08:36:09 UTC
It works on the preview, but when I applied it to my profile, it's still the same as before. :/ Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. In your new code, you have two separate sections with BANGs written. Is there a specific spot I'm supposed to but the text in? I applied my text to both spots where the BANGs were and the scrollbar still didn't show up.


italia_pasta April 30 2010, 08:42:36 UTC
Okay, I kinda fixed it, but the text area is small. So what would be the coding and proper dimensions?

Thanks for all your help! :)


italia_pasta April 30 2010, 09:59:53 UTC
I'm really sorry for bugging you, but I'm so confused. Since your code didn't work for me, I used the textarea code and now it cuts off sections of the layout. @_@


awfullybad April 30 2010, 17:21:46 UTC
Can you copy and paste the code that's currently on your profile now? just put it between < textarea> code


italia_pasta May 1 2010, 01:05:36 UTC
That just put the code inside the text area. ^^; It's alright. I just made the ROW smaller and it took away the missing sections. You can look at it if you like. The only difference is that the bg image isn't in the text area.

Thanks again for all your help!


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