Kids say...

Jan 11, 2008 20:51

This is my youngest niece, Evelyn (or Eve, as I like to call her.)  Adorable little girl, isn't she?  (You better say, "Yes", dammit!)

Anyway, I was talking to her mom, my stepbrother's wife Beverly, and she told a story about how, despite how quiet she can be at family gatherings, Eve is WAY more prone than her brother Mike to say pretty much whatever pops into her head.  For example, one time they were at Wal-Mart doing some shopping when they happened to be line next to a lesbian couple.  One of the girls was obviously the "man" in the relationship, as she had very short hair and was dressed in mannish clothes.

As Bev puts it, "Well, Eve just looked right at her said, rather loudly, 'Are you a girl?' And I just about DIED.  The woman just glared at me, and I'm like, 'Oh, I'm really sorry...'"

Then Carl, my sister's husband, being the blunt as ever Good Ol' Boy that he is, said, "I wouldn't have apologized, I would have said, 'Well, lady, if you'd dress like a woman you wouldn't have this problem."

I hate to say it, but he's got a point there...

Don't get me wrong, got nothing against lesbians, or women looking mannish, but still, you gotta admit it can get confusing at times, and as I said, "Well, I'm pretty sure that's not the FIRST time she'd been asked that question."

niece, cuteness, cute, humor, story, funny, adorable, kids

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