Sep 19, 2007 14:47
It did it again, spent several minutes making and entry, then I accidentally hit the shortcut for the "back" version on Mozilla, and BOOM, my whole post is gone. Crazily enough, Autosave was ONCE AGAIN not working (even though it's back up to speed on THIS text I'm typing now.
Okay... I'm not going to get mad... didn't have much to say anyhow, just how my phone call job is on hold while they company gets my paperwork finished and how it's taking forever to get my online application reset (I messed up on something and it's one of those "finish it one setting or else" type thing
Other things I was going to mention, but now I don't feel like it.
Oh, yeah, bought a used copy of GTA San Andreas today.
In fact, I think I'm going to play for a bit.