Apr 09, 2007 20:42
.Guess I'll do a bit of writing here to try and catch up on things. I was going to talk more about the wedding, but that may have to wait, as I've gotten "backlogged" in the events of my life.
I will say this though, the CUTEST thing at the wedding reception HAD to have been my nephew Mike (who's six) and how he spent almost the whole reception dancing with my second cousin Sidney (who's also six.) They were SO adorable! I'll have to post some pictures of them that I took somewhere (photobucket, maybe? hmm...)
Another funny bit: during the reception, they had "dollar dances" where you pay a dollar to dance with either the bride or groom. My mom gave me a buck, and I went and danced with Rebecca. While we were dancing, I said to her, "Oh, this is neat. Normally I have to pay WAY more money than this before women will dance with me..."
Okay, onto more later... got some good news and bad news about my glasses. The good news is that it turns out my left lense was off by three degrees. That wouldn't have been much to most "normal" perscription, but, with eyes as bad as mine, it made a big difference. So, they rotated it, and I found I could see better out that side of my glasses. That's the good news.
Bad news is I'm STILL seeing better out of my old glasses than I am my new. So, do I need to give these another two weeks? (sigh) Guess I'll try and go back there Thursday or something and talk to someone. Never had this much trouble with a pair of glasses before. Guess it's my fault, taking the perscription to another place to try and save some money on frames and lenses... (sigh)
Ow... just sitting here and typing is borther my arms slightly... as though typing is a muscle I haven't exercised in awhile. Which, yeah, I haven't written an entry in awhile, but still, it hasn't been THAT long. Dunno why my left wrist and right forearm are starting to bother me.
So, last couple of days I've been sick. Started out with just my throat being a bit scratch and a mild cough. It grew from there to a headache, ear hurting, and alternating between feeling very cold and then very warm. Saturday was night was a bit crazy, even thought I'd slept most of the day, I was still tired, but I kept getting woke up by this and (the need to blow my nose, pee, you name it.) Then, I put my CPAP mask on and I notice the air is escaping in the front. I take it off and I notice this round part that connects the hose to the rest of the mask is loose. I figured something was just loose. There's a wish-bone shaped piece of plastic on the other that secures that piece into place, figured just needed to take the "wishbone" out, put the piece in tighter, and then put the bone back in, and everything would be okay.
Then I realized the piece was partial broken off. There were several small, squared-shaped plastic pieces that connect the hose attacher to the rest of the mask, and about four out of five fo them were broken. So, here I am dizzy, not feel good, Saturday night and my CPAP (which helps me sleep) is broke.
I started whining.
I'm not proud to admit, but I was sick, tired, and angry, and I kept saying, "Why the hell did you HAVE to break tonight? Why couldn't you have freaking broke the night before, then I could have gotten you replaced. But here it is freaking Easter Sunday, no way the place is going to be open next morning!" And so forth.
It wasn't a very dignifing moment.
I attempted to tape the piece onto the mask, but only able to located scotch tape (the smaller kind you use for cards, not the larger, mailing packages, kind), I didn't do so well. I knew there'd be duct tape somewhere in the garage, but I didn't really feel like wondering all the way out there.
So, I finally laid back down and attempt to go to sleep. Think I woke up a few times after that, not sure. Rest of the night is rather hazy.
Right now I feel a bit better, still coughing a lot, still wheezing a bit, and getting short of breathe pretty easy. On the up side, this cold has suppressed my apetite, so maybe I'll end up losing a little bit before I get better.
Decided to call in sick from work this morning, the manager said if I was feeling better, I could come in and work tomorrow to make up for it. Depends on how things are going, I guess. This afternoon I went by the college to see my doctor. He told the whole hot/cold thing is a normal reaction to the body fighting a fever. He said it's possible I just had a cold, but with my history, I could also have some kind of infection, so he decided to go for the side of caution and give me antibiotic. He also said he wanted to see me again after I got better and before the semester let out, as my blood pressure spiked a bit.
You know, on a sidenote, before getting sick, I have to admit, I've been feeling kind of okay that past several days. Emotion-wise I mean. I had been real depressed the past couple of weeks, the last few days I kind of felt, dare I say it? Normal for the most part. Maybe it's the slight increase in the dosage of my anti-depressant medicine, I dunno. I just hope it stays with me for a little while.
I can't help but think if I could just stay balance, I could start fixing the things in my life, you know? During my last period of feeling normal, I was going to the gym three times a week, had lost about thirty-four pounds, and was asking girls out (hadn't got any to actually go out with me, but still, me just asking them is a big step.) And then, WHAM, whatever was keeping the blues at bay begin ebb and I began to slide back down.
Hopefully this time will be different, this will be the time I can start climbing out, and staying out.
Well, I'm tired, I gotta get to bed. Tomorrow i'm going to by the surgical appliance store and see about getting my mask replaced. Also going bring my machine in, for some reason it's been leaking water the past several days, dunno what the problem... hopefully both can be taken care with too much more money going out of my pocket.